General Discussion

General DiscussionBot Matches to Improve Behavior Score

Bot Matches to Improve Behavior Score in General Discussion
Watch it ass blood

    Looking for confirmation that this is possible before I spend time looking for some friends to do this with.

    Can anyone confirm?


      I am not 100% sure about bot games, but what I can tell you is that Turbo games count. And you can be sure that most people won't report you in Turbo, because it is a joke mode.

      Otherwise you could test it by playing maximum 10 bot games, because the report (which shows you how many abandons, reports and commends you have in the last 25 games) updates every ten games.

      I hope I could help you.


        bot is not counted in behavior score. you can even abandon the game... it has to be matched with other players and be good. no communication abuse, no over feeding, and dont ever abandon your game.


          Never have been banned with this acc


            so about behavior score? you can play turbo to make it higher or good?


              @Nightblue People can still report you in turbo and that could be bad for your behavior score, but my turbo games for example are always super friendly, so I can improve my behavior score.


                oh i get it then i will be super friendly.


                  I tried it my behavior rate went from C to F Lmfao

                  But it worked for some of the other dudes in my party.

                  Go on try it