General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Aghanims suggestions

New Aghanims suggestions in General Discussion

    I think right now there r quite a few heroes who have useless aghs uogrades.

    So I came up with a few alternate suggestions :

    Riki - makes smoke screen pierce spell immunity or smoke screen mutes (with some changes to smokescreen CD talent)

    CK - Phantasm illussions deal pure damage

    Slark - does not lose ult move speed even on detection (loses regen though)

    Any thoughts on these? And feel free to add more suggestions if u have any.


      Need tiny agh. Maybe you can make so that you can grab your enemy instead of tree


        @i dont : grabbing enemy sounds fun... but has to have a timer.. otherwise tiny will grab ppl n drop them at his fountain..

        what if they just remove the attack speed penalty for ult on tiny when he gets aghs..?


          tinker new aghanim.
          aoe rearm work for ally in radius.


            @What : Aoe has to be really small, but still too OP in my opinion...


              how is it that you don't talk about that CK aghs suggestion being OP


                well belive it or not i think that was there in dota1, n not even an aghs upgrade... in the 6.5-6.6 patches... n neway, when ck pops ult ppl usually run from him n only willingly re-engages after takin out his illu or disabling CK....n the aghs is just a suggestion.. might be imbalanced... idk...

                for tinker i guess u can make it like he can not effect the same hero with rearm within a certain timer after doin once, like mek, but tinker's present aghs is pretty good neway...


                  Agh ck. Get spell immune for all illusion OSfrog


                    @ i dont : ya.... that sounds nice... n way better than havin pure damage...


                      Ck aghs should be charge based reality rift

                      That slark suggestion is garbage
                      His ulti gives him 50% cd reduction while not being detected.
                      Dark pact applies a basic dispel to enemies

                      Tiny aghs could be
                      Gains new ability
                      Whenever tiny deals physical damage, reduce their magic resistance and whenever tiny deals magical dmg, reduce their armor. Values can be adjusted for balance needs


                        i have couple about these,but i forgot
                        me shall add later


                          i guess one of these patches should be about aghs upgrade and btw riki aghs is already great no need to change
                          aghs for more heroes is also better than changes for the ones they already have except garbage ones


                            bring arc warden aghs with spark wraith purges!
                            and ta aghs with traps mute/silence


                              @ I am : wud the 50% CD reduction be useful for slark? I mean he has only 5 secs of undetectability... dark pact dispelling can shit on omni, ursa, etc tho.... I like the CK & tiny ones...

                              @Mr. Poopy : how is riki aghs usefull..? as a pos 4 i always find getting damage better than aghs to kill the squishy 1's... n the worst part is when in aghs form riki can't smoke, his main skill in ganks, but that can be played around i guess... i just want more disable on the hero late...

                              @TeenTitans : never play TA or AW, but the suggestions seem nice... for AW how about upgrading the miss field so that it makes ppl miss all attacks, both from inside or outside (i guess this was the skill on release)...?


                                jugg : infinite omnislash


                                  Pudge aghanim infinite range on hook


                                    Kunkka: Make tide-bringer damage ignore armor type as well as armor value.

                                    Drow: Activating her passive grants marksmanship agility as an aura.

                                    Medusa: Make her split shots deal full damage as well as applying on hit effects, get rid of the talent that does the latter.

                                    Anti-mage: Turn spell shield into a toggle ability that works like Rubick's passive, swapping between magic and physical resist.

                                    Abaddon: Damage dealt during Borrowed Time is received as --% HP

                                    Templar Assassin: Increase Psi Blade range and damage

                                    Broodmother: Increase Spiderling count from 1/2/3/4 to 3/4/5/6 as well as an increase in stats for the spiderlings.

                                    I have a lot more ideas but I'll just leave it at this for now.


                                      @ Kalim'dor aghs for riki is for the carry build it needs an utility core/tank but it do wonders with the 25 +aoe tt
                                      aghs for CK is for support plays to like an io gives u agh and u ult a TB an aoe choas bolt? sounds good through
                                      but aghs for slark is pretty useless really replace that shit with auto dark pact or sth

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        Alchemist: Allow his backpack to provide stats bonus, effectively makingbit a 9 slot hero. Active items still cannot be used though. Can be givdn to ally.

                                        Dragon Knight: Black Dragon form. Gives 20% chance to deal x2.5 damage (the poison, splash, and slow effect stacks). Also increases duration by 25 seconds.

                                        Lycan: Provide invisibility during shapeshift just like his dogs.


                                          So uncreative smh
                                          How abt pangolier aghs, refresh swashbuckle CD if you damage 2 heroes with it
                                          Refresh shield crash cool down if you take 300 damage while under the shield crash dmg reduction buff


                                            @asmodeus : nice ideas... share more if u can.. but am with 50% physical resist...? with manta n abyssal isnt that a bit too hard for opponents? n for medusa i wud say remove magic invulnerability if opponents become stone form... just my thoughts...

                                            @poopy : hmm.. i guess.. but i hardly reach 25 on riki... never playd this way...

                                            @ayase : black dragon is nice.. but its like daed at about 1k cheaper... duration helps tho... n for alche what about aghs let him consume an item..? like he can alredy consume aghs.. so 1 aghs lets him consume any 1 item in inventory, 1 more another (with limit to aghs consume count, n alche doesnt get aghs stats)....

                                            @I am numb : i kno nuthn abt pango, but lookin at the hero makes me feel like he should have smthin like walrus kik... kik some1 between walls n permastun with ult...


                                              alchs aghs is fine
                                              dk getting either lvl 4 dragon or perma dragon is fine too
                                              or u can do something cheesy like 80% dmg reduction on breath fire idk

                                              they should prioritize giving heroes who have 0 aghs like aw, pa, troll, tiny, etc.
                                              no point in theorycrafting aghs that arent needed because the hero has a function aghs


                                                pa coup de grace pure damage on aghs.... :D


                                                  PA aghs 100% evasion


                                                    Arc warden aghs: add an additional clone


                                                      Pa aghs: blur gives a 300 magic dmg block every 6 seconds (similar to raindrop) and gives higher bonus 10% magic resistance

                                                      Give aghs that a hero would actually buy because it has a useful and UNIQUE effect that benefits the hero (either covers a weakness or buffs up a strong point of the hero)


                                                        CK Agh -Lowers Chaos Bold cooldown, spawns 5 seconds lasting illusions based on how many seconds the target has been stunned.

                                                        1/ 1 illusion and so on up to 4.



                                                          So basically its like PL spirit lance??


                                                            ^ except even higher rng it could summon 4 fucking illusions wtf
                                                            if anything it should always summon 1 illusion, you just roll on how good its stats are