General Discussion

General DiscussionRIKI PLAYERS HELP!

RIKI PLAYERS HELP! in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    Pls share how you even play early game with 270ms and <40 base damage


      early game riki is more easier than mid game
      just stay near the creeps and occasionaly steal last hits... u can smoke and harrass... make them buys dust and wards(which have heavy cost ) remember to switch lanes...
      buy quelling to take lh if its hard and can be used to instantly deward in a sentry vs sentry
      his backstab damage is high use that to the best.


        currently he is not a good hero.. but situational

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Ahh core riki is probably inevitable now


            hard to work in your bracket and above. a lot of dedicated support to babysit their carry, expect sentries around them, he is a type of support who cannot farm very well...unlike, sand king, shaman, rubick, witch doctor etc...


              Riki has been nerfed like 1000 patches in a row and so does roaming

              Core riki seems to be the least dogshit way to play him rn but good luck convincing your teammates for that


                i couldnt agree more. i think he better at pos 3 or 4 but have to play really gud. 😅

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  I tried the Smoke spamming build which I referred from zDonFrank and it was insanely fun and playmaking, you just keep Blinking around and throw smokes all over the place
                  But looks like getting through early game as pos4 Riki will be hard


                    Pls share how you even play early game with 270ms and <40 base damage
                    i suggest deleting doto


                      i spam riki alot - always as roam / semi supp. when you dont get early kills it feels a bit useless. until diffu is ready - then you can kill pretty much everyone 1v1. bf after boots is funny build aswell because most ppl dont expect your dmg and splitpush. still trying to get 60% winrate.


                        low ms and basedmg-> tranquils+oov, thats all you need early game. just make the supports hate you and spam sentries in panic while you are somewhere else. once you got your blink dagger and ultimate you are unkilalble, then just be annoying fucker and always invade their side of the map to gather information. imho riki doesnt need much to be effective and he doesnt rely on items that much (only blink and diffu, maybe an aghs)


                          Ask PhantomRiki