General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do sea players keep picking all carries in a team?

why do sea players keep picking all carries in a team? in General Discussion
lowprio gaming

    games are easier to play if team is well balanced,but everyone in sea picks hard carries only. its so traumatic to lose this way


      It's actually better for them to go carry rather than picking a support but not actually supporting. I mean, if you want to win, go first-pick support if nobody wants to. If you see anyone is going to first-pick core, go pick support before him. You'll realize that supporting is as fun as carrying because you feel the impacts you're making your team win in the game.

      I go support in some matches and play carry in others.

      But it's not just in SEA. Try finding matches in other servers with the same bracket, and it'll all be the same.

      By the time you reach High Skill bracket, everything starts to become much better. There are still toxic players in that bracket though, and even thr higher bracket above that.

      If you do reach High Skill bracket though, go carry, because most of the times your teammates will pick a hero that your team needs.

      lowprio gaming

        and im starting to hate the game coz its getting toxic.i mean my team always fighting with each other. its sad.

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Why do SEA players always pick carry?

          Why are SEA players retarded?

          SEA server is the worst.

          Filipino should be ban from playing dota.


          I read a lot of these ranting here in the forums.

          Look, lower tier bracket tend to have that all carry role but in around archon medal and above, it getting more rare.

          In my bracket (4300 mmr), you'll always see a dual roaming support

          Now, if you see them picking carry, pick a support. Simple. Stop hating on SEA server. It's pointless


            Gaben, give more love to SEA players.


              normal all pick mode.
              ppl tend to practice in that mode, just adapt with ur team drafting n stop complaining, use the mute button.

              mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                Switch server


                  dont play around 4-7pm most of school kids play in computer shop. if i play at this time i play i normally pick good offlaner. or pick support that could push towers or lane or turn into carry at very late game eg Naga, Shaman, Sand king, Centaur, etc...

                  sometimes i view the current playstyle of teammates if high pushing/farming/figthing that means they play core in their last 25 games so i prefer to pick first and play support. if they played full support i will pick carry or semi-carry.

                  SEA will always be cancer at your own perspective if you wont adjust.

                  have fun

                    i'm not


                      Before u reach ancient/divine - u will have 5-man-cores.

                      Welcome to SEA!


                        in my bracket (Legend 3 now)... is very rare to see or close to none to have 3 man core. most of the players are willing to adjust that includes me.


                          Dead forum


                            Yeah once you reach 3k the team draft will be better and people want to adjust in most game even though still toxic and cancerous


                              Its inevitable