General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is this game so EZ?

Why is this game so EZ? in General Discussion
#1 Philippine player

    Is dota 2 ez game? or I'm just good player? look my last game very ez for me. very cool right?

    I think people make this game should make it more harder. Cuz playas like me feel boring cuz game so ezzz.

    Maybe im just godly player then im sorry u players. tnx glhf. ggwp

    michael sassbender

      very good

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Yes, they already had that set for you.
        Win more games to unlock harder mode.

        mabasag sana pc mo detoor

          Youre not good you are excellent


            c'mon u dont even reach a kda of 50.
            says he is godlike.
            fucking learn to have 100% lh and bld
            learn to kill all the neutrals throughout the match every time they spawn in less than 0 seconds
            and who will buy that rapier and daedalus for tinker?

            mabasag sana pc mo detoor

              Alpha LUUUUH please be good he is God


                When u hit the high skill then will u get to know the real pain of EZ games... (Assuming u are a ~3K in main).... I was also having troll matches till like the first 7-8 games... Then got some high skill ones and bammm... Went like 0-10... Sad... I played bad and also my team was kinda toxic... But yeah I played bad... Now back to normal :(... Still trying to get back toh high again and try my best not to lose anymore...


                  P.S.: yeah m just a early 3k in my main... Created this account just to have some troll fun, but boy when it hit 7-8 games, got some nerve racking losses... But anyways will switch to my main back this weekend :p

                  #1 Philippine player

                    high skill LUL. i will cruise my way to very high skill and straight to rank divine and top 1 in leader boards. ez game tbh

                    #1 Philippine player

                      see in 1 week i will get to leader board in SEA, give another 1 week im top 1 SEA LEADERBOARD. SEE MY NAME!


                        Retard.namo ka!


                          Good luck to u then sir... But I guess u gotta play (last played match was a month ago) to get there :p


                            Yeah at this rate you will reach very high skill bracket soon and win TI8


                              But why are you still in Normal Skill bracket?


                                normal bracket 😂😂😂😂 ive done 13-20 streak on it. but not in hs level. probably going to be worst if i reach vhs 😅

                                #1 Philippine player

                                  Nice losing streak jesus. real questions is, why cant you get out of normal bracket? sorry for you. just bad ggwp


                                    Low gpm long game i could do better kid

                                    #1 Philippine player

                                      ^ 831gpm my game very high :) your gpm average 200 maybe? ggwp haha :)


                                        Philippines namba wan china namba two

                                        #1 Philippine player

                                          ^agree xd


                                            Another Dog, from a dog shit country with autism.

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              All the salt from the SEA

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                How come still normal skill ?


                                                  not even unlocked ranked matches and wants to talk about the game... dude please just make another post when you calibrated.


                                                    definitely the top 100 player right here, i feel jealous of nature talent




                                                        op should replace reso's spot in og


                                                          Bad troll thread 0/10

                                                          Grief Counselor

                                                            Rated K.


                                                              dude you're such a douche man..normal skill bracket games and whining about how easy the game is. This dude needs attention so bad and here you go. You're a disgrace to the Filipino players bro.

                                                              butterfly effect

                                                                are you fucking retarded kid?