General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker (exort) vs Medusa, 1 v 1 mid

Invoker (exort) vs Medusa, 1 v 1 mid in General Discussion

    I played match with friend using medusa in mid that got rekt by invoker using exort, and it makes me wonder who's actually better at laning.


      Medusa got lane advantage but it doesnt matter since Invo gonna rekt medusa later anyway xd


        My friend actually got rekt early to late game that's why I'm actually confused even tho early supposed to be good for medusa vs invoker.


          Dont ruin your friendship over battlecup games l0l


            invoker has way more dmg


              Invoker will out last hit dusa but he does suffer against snakes. Usually you won't have kill potential on dusa and it may feel bad getting snaked constantly but if you will out farm dusa and beat her later on


                If the invoker Is not retarded ( or any ranged hero) He Will get Boots And just evade the Snake. When i faced (as dusa player) dusa, She hit me Maybe 3 times during laning phase.

                Till lvl 5 invoker Is "stronger" in last hitting. Lvl 5 medusa take wave in 5 seconds And move to jungle.

                Ideally lvl 5 She should start stacking ancients (as dire quite easy) at X:54 And the rest of the time farming camps. Usually invoker Will be more farmed for First 10 minutes, than dusa gets mom And skyrockets within next few minutes.


                  invoker has more damage
                  so get all the cs and deny so you will have an advantage