General Discussion

General Discussionis magic sf more meta

is magic sf more meta in General Discussion

    than physical one


      Talents push you to magical, but sometimes if they have anti magic lineup you have to go physical.


        sf is a walking ball of dmg with super good flash farm, he can get anything his team needs (or sf needs to win). but his talents should kinda always go for the magic ones (they are superior to their counterparts. 10% spell amp allows you to double raze waves no matter how long into the game, 40 ms on slow and no escpae hero. razes at lvl 20 again for 2 razes even super-creeps. 40% cdr for that perma invis, 35s cd bkb etc...) but besides that you can go for physical items as long as they got an active (bloodthorne, nullifier, sb, manta, pike, etc)

        talents set on magic, items not


          the soul talent is a fuckton of damage tho


            The issue about magic sf is the item builds is kinda boring compared to the physical one which more flexible


              ^ bad grammar sorry for my bad engrish lul


                physical sf seems a bit underwhelming until that lvl 25 (if played well you get that 25 fast tho)


                  U take magic talents until lvl 25, if u r building right click items just pick the dmg

                  Lruce Bee

                    Aghs refresher is the way to go