General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Troll the strongest 1 on 1 hero in the game (6 slotted)?

Is Troll the strongest 1 on 1 hero in the game (6 slotted)? in General Discussion

    Can anybody man fight Troll late game and win?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      why would I manfight a troll when I have 4 friends which I can hide behind?

      Always cheat, always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.


        im sure u can beat him in a 1v1 with properly six slotted axe


          depends on many factors, for example void just put chrono and troll die, or legion ulti ..... troll is good if he attack first and enemy cant escape bashes


            Troll can kill Axe with Satanic easy,doesn't matter what items Axe has

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Tinker lul. Hex - EBlade - Dagon 5 - repeat.

              B...B..But Linken? Proc with Dagon.

              BKB? Be in Etheral form or Blink around.


                Doesn't Troll's stuff get destroyed by Silver edge? could be one of the items of a 6 slotted carry.
                a 6 slotted CK with MKB and a Silver edge probably pops him in 2 seconds


                  Spectre with blademail. He kills himself on dispersion.


                    Axe gets a halberd or nullifier or both
                    Plus blademail and ac
                    Smth like blademail ac nullifier halberd manta mjollnir/moonshard/shiva's/heart


                      With the advantage of starting Fight And with similar farm...

                      CK ulti, dagger,stun, rift, dead.
                      Jugg ulti, dead.
                      Wind with mkb,bloodthorn, aghs 4.8sec stun, dead.
                      Void ulti, dead.
                      Slardar played as (semi) carry (40%, 220dmg physical bash on 0 Armor hero).
                      PA might work.
                      Enigma with refresher And aghs.


                        This is hands down the worst topic that has been spoken of in countless threads


                          Enigma with refresher aghs can kill any hero in the game doesn't mean he is the best "manfighter"


                            Spectre with blademail. He kills himself on dispersion.

                            please learn how spectre even work before talking


                              plus anything dies to BM + raw hp if you're 1k so whatever


                                You see that Im ancient rank, so why do these archon and crusader noobs answer on my question ?
                                I want answers from people with equal or higher skill than me.

                                Disturbed Jawker

                                  what a dumb thread lol why would u ever 1v1 when dota is T E A M G A M E
                                  also since im ancient 1 my opinion is a fact for you


                                    if ur ancient rank and looking for not 2-3k people then ur the braindead one for asking your question on dotabuff
                                    wtf do u expect from this forum


                                      *Asks retarded question
                                      *Realizes how retarded the question is considering even heralds can answer
                                      *Starts flaming people with lower medals because nothing else to say



                                        who is the strongest depends on who gets the jump


                                          Assuming this is 2 hero who only can press skills(no invs item) and starts pressing skills and items at melee range i assume lifestealer will win

                                          have fun

                                            techies win


                                              You see that Im ancient rank, so why do these archon and crusader noobs answer on my question ?
                                              I want answers from people with equal or higher skill than me.

                                              This. Admins should make new feature in topic section as it can be categorized for people who answer based on their medals.



                                                Soul Eater

                                                  I mean sf can just eulrequiem the guy, a rather dumb question...


                                                    six slotted iron branches Troll sure is strong


                                                      RUBICK MID PLAYER

                                                      this is a simple "IF" sceanario question,but i see you are too retarded to understand

                                                      Dota is team game well no shit captain obvious


                                                        its a dumb if question because enigma wins every single 1v1 6 slotted
                                                        aghs refresher
                                                        thats ur answer every time, but its not realistic to the game
                                                        and ur question is absurdly vague
                                                        the end result is something impossible to answer because no one knows exactly what u mean


                                                          "1v1 me in Dire jungle if you so pro"
                                                          The number of games I've won on idiots doing this... After the enemy team's trash talking carry challenges a random member of our team to a 1v1, usually a support, we simply smoke up behind and get the free core kill, then push for an easy win while he cries "lol noob need team to help you because you noob".


                                                            dunno man, that sniper push-back is pretty good against troll.


                                                              Elder Titan with Lifesteal talent and Satanic


                                                                also since im ancient 1 my opinion is a fact for you
                                                                also since im ancient 1 my opinion is a fact for you
                                                                also since im ancient 1 my opinion is a fact for you
                                                                also since im ancient 1 my opinion is a fact for you
                                                                also since im ancient 1 my opinion is a fact for you



                                                                  "1v1 me in Dire jungle if you so pro"
                                                                  The number of games I've won on idiots doing this... After the enemy team's trash talking carry challenges a random member of our team to a 1v1, usually a support, we simply smoke up behind and get the free core kill, then push for an easy win while he cries "lol noob need team to help you because you noob".

                                                                  holy i totally forgot about this LMAO

                                                                  this used to be so common in the battlenet days i've never seen it done in ranked at my bracket rn tho

                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                    I'm ancient and ima say ancient appiration can win. Does that count more than a heraldo?

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      I mean, the whole 1v1 scenario is kind of silly and has no practical application. It assumes that 2 heroes are both alone with the same level of farm with all their health and mana, all their ability and items are off cooldown, both heroes see each other at the same time and both willingly choose to engage each other alone, and both heroes are standing in the same elevation and can't/don't make use of trees or juking spots.

                                                                      Even if one carry was stronger than the other, it'd be pretty stupid for them to run around alone hoping whoever he finds is also alone or that he's strong enough to take on the entire enemy team alone.

                                                                      주 롄양

                                                                        doom aghs+travel+4 eul, pop linken cast doom and jst run together till troll die burning

                                                                        주 롄양

                                                                          and now blue star is capped at 4.8k mmr? fuck man


                                                                            BB PL lonedruid i don't even have to try i guess? don't agree lets try 1v1 :D

                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                              How does BB counter troll? Troll even has a winrate advantage over BB


                                                                                what about huskar with veil,eblade, agha and kaya? 102% of max hp as dmg^^

                                                                                edit: doesnt work vs bkb/hood


                                                                                  I can fight Troll with mai bare hands.


                                                                                    How does BB counter troll? Troll even has a winrate advantage over BB

                                                                                    with 1 octarine and 4heart maybe a bkb or lotus for silver edge or even 5 heart it should be an interesting fight :D

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Realistically in a game scenario and not just theorycrafting, one lucky bash and troll with 100-0 most enemy carries, which is why you shouldn't fight him straightup. Instead kite him. Even if you're way ahead if he gets lucky with bashes you might die so why risk it?

                                                                                      Story Time

                                                                                        why dont u guys go and play 1v1 arcade games to figure things out?

                                                                                        Disturbed Jawker

                                                                                          RUBICK MID PLAYER

                                                                                          this is a simple "IF" sceanario question,but i see you are too retarded to understand

                                                                                          Dota is team game well no shit captain obvious

                                                                                          you see not realizing that your question is dumb and this thread is worthless is why you are a shitty ancient 0 and i'm an ancient 1 god.


                                                                                            CK literally destroy him with his 4-5k dps rofl


                                                                                              Thats just so much theorycrafting. There are many carries in the game, that given the first shot on any other hero in the game, will delete the other hero. CK, Void for example.

                                                                                              CK getting out stun and rift will pretty much one shot troll. Void will kill him under Chrono. Even a 6 slotted sniper might be able to kill troll, if the first hit is not a bash, you will pretty much not reach him again, with enough attackspeed, skadi and the knockbacktalent.


                                                                                                6 slotted AM > 6 slotted Troll