General Discussion

General DiscussionLion pos support (carry) guide. up to divine 0

Lion pos support (carry) guide. up to divine 0 in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    First pick lion
    Buy blightstone windlace mango, zone offlaner. Yes you dont need regen u idiut noob you are untouchable with your stun.
    Buy brown boots, queue up aquila.
    Hit 6 detect and kill biggest enemy gold sack with ulti and another hero.
    Queue up phase boots.
    Downtime: Farm jungle near allies. If enemy groups up to push without smoke tp to defend and kill them with your massive damage. If they smoked before pushing they and smart so you have to split push.(do this for the entirety of the game).
    Basic pick off when enemy out of position ( you should be smart enough to know how the map looks like when they are farming alone if not refer to bsj)

    Hit lvl 10 get damage
    Hit lvl 15 get gpm talent.
    Buy shadow blade and pike so you can do the basic things I've mentioned even better.
    Maybe buy a Skadi next or Linkens. Do not buy bkb it is a noob item that only works vs noobs. Buy blink if you are losing.

    Congratulations you just won a game you were supposed to lose because you picked up the slack from your SHIT carry.


    Basic skill guide:
    Hex lvl1 if kill potential stun lvl 1 if no kill potential to crush hit trades.
    Go mana drain lvl 2 at lvl 4 then max stun and ulti then hex. Do not max mana drain even vs timbersaw and medusa.

    Just the tip lion edition:
    Always save a disable to stop enemy from teleporting away or until he's low enough that he can't tp.
    Never aggro creep for kills on offlaner it is never worth it.
    Always hex the enemy carry.
    If forced to initiate save a disable to save yourself.
    Do not initiate team fights your team is clueless. Wait for ally team to initiate and disable for your carry and right click together. Or defensively you counter their counter or hex the enemy carry following up and then lay on the right clicks.
    Medium jungle creeps are most efficient for xp especially the wolves and satyrs.
    Prioritize farm on the far lanes where your offlane/safelaner were supposed to farm at but are too stupid to farm it.
    Doesn't matter if you die as long as enemy can't get objectives it's good death because assuming your other core is smart he would farm the other lane when the enemy showed up.

    Enjoy easy blue star or whatever shitty rank you wanted.

    i have 5 reports to use

      Try it out and let me know how it went!


        tank you,i'll try this sometime in futu


          Hey I'd join in the fun by copy pasting my osu guide but I don't want to scan everything for censored words


            Ive tried carry lich before but i got hotd as first item. Im sure i will try this one out when I meme in my games again


              It’s actually not bad to go these builds in pubs sometimes because games last longer and all supports really need to do is ward and rotate. At midgame depending on my start I would go build damage on supports with good dmg like wd and night stalker.


                Confirmed legit guide

                Lruce Bee

                  No regen. But what if ranged offlaner or elder titan with 1000 ms