General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane

Offlane in General Discussion

    Wanna learn offlane, can you guys tell me what I should accomplish in the lane and how to trade hits/spells against trilane/duo safelane? I'm thinking of heroes like underlord,sk,qop and puck


      scrubscribe nao to dotaplus


        Git Gud by scrubscribing nao toe doto plas


          >pick monkey king
          >press w on trees


            >pick monkey king
            >press w on the trees
            >face beastmaster in the lane
            >4 seconds stun


              slow hand wew reprot plz


                1. dont leave the lane to jungle, you need to make sure the supports are bound to your lane (and therefore not free to help their other lanes)
                2. get yourself a ward/sentry to know about pulls (or even contest or block them)
                3. its okay to not get much out of the lane, you can comeback from fights (or tp rotations. by that i mean the offlaner tps somewhere to gank)


                  Step 1: pick tide hunter
                  Step 2: buy the taunt
                  Step 3: taunt the enemy till they dive u
                  Step 4: ???????
                  Step 5: profit

                  Disturbed Jawker

                    >pick np
                    >go jungle lol


                      - Pick Brew
                      - Screw with carrys last hit
                      - Screw with supports by ulting and not dying
                      - Proceed to kick him out of the lane
                      - Profit

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        >Pick Earthshaker
                        >Meets aggressive trilane
                        >Fuck offlane, go roam mid instead


                          Pick timbersaw or DK and max their 3rd

                          Inb4 opponents go viper and veno safelane

                          6k animal

                            ^horrible idea on timber, unless they have no magic bursts heroes in the lane like skywrath, usually you want to put 1-2 levels in chain because it does great early damage and provides an escape.

                            Forget me not

                              Pikc riki.
                              Enemy confused why there is no hero on the lane.
                              Keep getting lh and deny.