General Discussion

General DiscussionPicking I'm a beginner

Picking I'm a beginner in General Discussion

    If you pick I'm a beginner after making a new account how many game do you need before getting high skill. This is the account in below link and I've been doing really well but its clear I'm playing against heralds.

    Anyone tried smurfing like this and can share some insight?


      U get high skill if u were matched with divine or some shit.Take my main account for example,although I was just crusader I were frequently matched with divine and ancient on my pub games.


        My theory is if you play very good in those herald bracket,slowly but surely u will be matched with much higher skill bracket.


          is you are beginner why tf you as for high skill retard? can u stfu?


            hi sprmkd. I was just testing it out. I thought I would get HS eventually but its taking longer then expected. Its been 18 matches but I'm still matched with noobs against noobs...:/


              Hey do you want to swap account . Im interested in that herald smurf


                So you're a smurf pretending to be a new player .. I see


                  item builds gave me cancer irl

                  you will need infinite number of games to get out of normal skill, because it isnt possible for you. you belong into low 2k

                  you are in a bracket where people regularly pick pos 1 heros in the offlane because ''its just another lane right'' and you still loose games regularly and hard


                    Nah,it litteraly just same in high skill bracket.First pick pa to a sf pick and then am after that a spec.Maybe once a while u get a good supp or decent offlaner.