General Discussion

General DiscussionSven roamer

Sven roamer in General Discussion

    So far I had tried it for a few time,and it kinda work.All the talent really helps him except the Strom hammer dispel thingy.It really situational and maybe if they change it to warcy apply basic dispelled,maybe he will become more viable. What u guys think about it like it itemezation,whether we should go aghs or not or maybe being semi carry while still being roamer


      The only good spell Sven has that suits a roamer is his stun. compare that to other roamers like Earth spirit and clockwork and sand king (even Bane) . even Pudge is more suited.
      Aghanim does sound very appealing though. but then again you could just go CK roam and get Aghanim and It's even better.


        But still a ms buff with 20 armor on a very short CD is nothing to look down upon


          Plus aghs also really helps your main carry,there is one match long ago where they only two of us dusa,and Sven.Dusa was 50% HP with 30% mana and were surrounded by 4 heroes.He managed to pop his bkb and I also pop my ulti which manage to kill 3 of them and force the last guy to retreat.


            Im more interested about how come youre a crusader but playing in VHS


              Lol,gaben blessed me I guesee :D.Jokes aside maybe because most of my match were with and against divine and ancient.Maybe an archon once in 10 games.


                I heard Erick compare wk, Sven, and venge together as supports
                Only venge is rlly played as a support, but all 3 heroes have a stun and an pushing aura and can transition into 4th cores later on
                Sven support is viable but he sits on the worse end of wk or venge
                Sven has cleave which is the most useless skill as a support, meanwhile both wk and venge have useful abilities in all 4 of their spells
                Sven is also the one who needs the most farm to become a 4th core or deal significant dmg later on.
                Because of this he is better off just given the farm in the first place.
                The idea is fine but ur better off picking wk or venge imo


                  Yeah maybe but Sven stun aoe compared to other.While wk have skelly to push,sven can also use cleave to push creep.I will give a few try perfecting it and see how it will goes.


                    aoe stun isnt relevant in the earlier lvls, since u focus all ur shit onto 1 hero to kill them anyway
                    and the aoe isnt reliable either
                    cleave isnt good at pushing creeps unless u have good dmg, which u wont have without good farm and proper items

                    he is just far more dependent on farm and abilities than other supports, but he isnt the worst thing in the history of dota
                    you will just need to skip cleave and ignore it until later once u have some sort of way to deal good dmg, maybe you can get sb or smth
                    also i think HotD would be so good on sven if ur not the pos 1 farming

                    Forget me not

                      Max 3rd skill and march down their tower with creeps. Watch the enemy grieves if the don't have invoker or brew to dispel it :).

                      Lruce Bee

                        Did u play a turbo match and conclude that it's viable ?


                          pick ck/wk


                            Much like an alchemist offlaner it's literally shit but if enemy support's are weak it can win the game

                            Potato Marshal

                              Doesn't really work. Only one ability suited to roaming, and it's a stun that lasts less than 2 seconds before being maxed out, does okay damage, but has a mediocre cast range, fairly slow projectile, and uses up more than half your mana pool. Not to mention Sven himself has terrible movement speed.

                              Lruce Bee

                                Just play him as a 3rd core and farm aghs. You just need aghs if he's not a pos 1.