General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam comp Strategy

Team comp Strategy in General Discussion

    I was thinking of a strategy where you have clinkz mid, troll carry, orge and lesh support with a tiny or natures prophet bottom. The whole idea is tons of split and group pushing but can still fight as five. What do you think of it. theres good lockdown and pushing, with high damage and rosh potential


      You lose your lanes and can't deathball now


        What if the Lesh roams with level stun in early levels to help lanes or does an agressive trilane with orge with his point and click after level two


          Im thinking of mid pugna safelane luna offlane beastmaster/LD pos 4 shaman pos 5 dazzle or venge but the issue is the line up dont have late game potential


            luna has no late gmae potential with SS, Ok den


              Im talking about the whole team not a single hero


                With a lineup like that you would get destroyed in teamfights by any team which has like 2-3 ults which actually do something in the fight (disruptor, naga, dp, tide, gyro, void, aa, sand king etc) and would only be left with splitpushing. Most of your heroes are good at hitting towers but they have a problem getting there because their waveclear is terrible. To clear waves troll needs a battlefury, clinkz needs to use his lvl 4 strafe, natures prophet needs a maelstrom. Tiny and lesh can actually clear the waves decently but a pos 4/5 lesh cant really go out on the map around 20-30 minutes and try to splitpush without risking being solo killed by literally any core hero in the game.

                Potato Marshal

                  Terrible teamfight ability, you have 3 heroes that do nothing but right click, an Ogre with very weak disables, and a Lesh with very limited and unreliable nukes/disables.



                    aiming to end at 20 min mark. It's only a dream at my bracket though.


                      blue stars nailed it


                        I counter all ur godlike lineup with just pick tinker my brother


                          Yeah the whole idea of it was to push early into the game with out it really being stopped. The reason tiny in the lineup besides bonus tower damage is that he seems pretty hard to kill if his lane goes really. The and the lesh orge combo was to make lesh stun more realiable by stacking the stuns. This really doesnt matter though becasue im probably never gonna play in a five man stack


                            You won't even be able to push early cuz ur lanes are weak, they'll either beat u in a fight or you won't get the initial boost to start pushing
                            Ur better off running a drow strat with visage or dp or smth
                            Or a warlock or some other hero who offers push and team fight and a stable lane

                            Lruce Bee

                              Pick better supports and you have a good lineup. Pick a better carry while you're at it. Also try not to pick natures prophet unless you're bulldog or mind control. Try not to pick a hero mid that's not really a mid hero too while you're at it.
