General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the advantage of Radiant over Dire map wise?

What is the advantage of Radiant over Dire map wise? in General Discussion

    A curious question by a retarded 2k player.

    have fun

      point of view? i have below 50% wr too if playing as dire


        Is it weird that I have higher wr on dire?


          Yes. Nearly everyone wins more on Radiant


            But you're a filthy smurf with slightly over 100 games. your radiant wr will eventually overcome your dire wr


              I like Dire though. feels better


                I have 48% winrate on Radiant and 52% winrate on Dire. So yeah Dire is more lucky/comfortable for me right now.


                  depends on which way u can swipe your mouse?

                    Potato Marshal

                      Lot of minor differences in map layout that I'm pretty sure somebody autistic is enough to detail out. I haven't really seen anybody mention this other minor point though about how it's generally easier to control your characters approaching from the bottom screen while the enemy approaches from the upper screen than vice versa.




                          Purge actually talked through a lot of this stuff in this lesson:

                          The map has changed since then, but you should get the general principles.


                            there's alot of differences,i dun think i fully understand it yet but i'll list the what i know when i'm not lazy

                            how the heck i have 57 and 55% anyway,rip math


                              Radiant side is better i have higher wr here thats why i reach my very high mmr 1.2k just pick invo first then "ako mid putang INA mo"

                              verified vexillophile

                                It is easier to ward the dire farming areas as radiant. The access to rosh is pretty fair now to be honest. There is an inherent ease of radiant. Purely from the angle of the camera. The same advantage is seen across all MOBAs. Purely my opinion : Radiant offlane is easier due to the distance to the large pull camp, distance to the farming jungle camps by the shrine and the protection provided by the trees to the east of the radiant T1.


                                  Yeah depends on which way you can swipe your mose is makes sense, obviously we're tend to swipe it easier to top than bottom of the screen


                                    U just need to play more games and you will see that its just the same