General Discussion

General Discussionafter a win streak comes a lose streak

after a win streak comes a lose streak in General Discussion

    when i play offlane why is it i'm facing 3 people?


      If you're getting tri-laned in a solo offlane literally your only goal is to stay alive and get xp I'm pretty sure. You're gonna get zoned and you'll die if you aren't careful, but the carry will be underleveled which generally means they are very killable if you smoke gank them after laning stage.


        Feed and say: GG ez mid, ff

        Lruce Bee

          Ebb and flow my Friend.


            am i against 3 cos my supports pressure isnt so good?

            Optimus Drip

              U are in very high skill games and asking such a retarded question. Incredible.maybe don't play offlane, you clearly don't understand it


                If they stay as 3 and you do not feed AND not lose your tower 5 min into game, you basically did your job. You bind 3 enemy heroes on one lane, freeing your other lanes.


                  this is fucking true win streak then lossing streak when you play in sea server.


                    I am doing my job then since i can stay at least 8 minutes or after I hit six I can surprise gank mid lane


                      I think you don't understand your role. Offlanes Job is to occupy BOTH supports. If the supports are not occupied ganking mid or Safeane your not doing your job. If they roam anyway then you maximize pressure no the carry. If they leave and ur not fucking him- YOUR NOT DOING YOUR JOB. Its called the suicide lane for a reason which is why most players suck at it.


                        you should pressure the carry if the supports go missing since you'd probably be higher level ,force their supports to stay in the lane and just dont die , your job is done . i play offlane alot

                        Lruce Bee

                          You are against 3 because u suck at offlane and the 2 supports see that it's easy to kill u from their perspective. They're likely to hang around.


                            U need to have a mashocist side in order for you to play offlane properly.

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              Lads, only 1 question, the only real isssue im facing when playing offlane is when i see WD as a support, if carry has a follow up stun im dead in "cask + maledict + follow up" combo, can you go around this or its just "hug tower and wait " kind of games?

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                Just be focus on your game play.
                                I won a game where there is 2 jungler in my game,I won when there is 2 support constantly contest my jungle farm.

                                It's all about focus your own game and don't linger with teammate mistake.Jjust move on if you are better then them you will raise for sure