General Discussion

General DiscussionDream of become professional Player

Dream of become professional Player in General Discussion

    Hello everyone, as you can see in the title,I aim to make it pro, for briefly explain my situation I'm a 18 years old student from France In last year of hight school for last big exam, I play dota since summer 2014 when I was just 14.. back then I was playing it for fun.. like all the players who start playing video games.. I did not know anything about the game, so for my calibration, I have calibrated at 150 mmr literally, not 1500 but 150. But somehow I started to play more and more, each time I wanted to surpass my limits wanting to outplay the enemy, so I started to watch pro players do big plays and watch how actually we set up kills smartly in mid, how to aggro, block and stuff like that.. well yeh it will look to you so retardedly easy but back then for a 150 mmr player it was really a revolution.. so I started "abuse" pro players mindsets and grind until now today divine 2, I still keep this dream in front of my head because I will do everything to reach it (By Virtuoso~) Thanks for Reading my story, I felt like I wanted to express my felling. I would like to know your point of view of some nice people and for sure for some hight tier players who might know or even have experience. Thank u so much.


      Divine 2 is not even near close enough to become pro
      The only thing I can say is u have to play a lot, grind yourself up high on the leaderboards
      But it's far too risky to just devote yourself completely with no backup plan, whether that is going to college, having some family business to fall on, etc.
      It is far more than likely that you will not go pro, so make sure you don't fall flat on your face with no job or whatever

      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

        oh boy


          I admire your dedication to being a pro player, but even at divine level there is a massive skill gap between professional players and us. As I am numb said, it's very unlikely that you will make it pro, so if you do choose to pursue this, make sure you have some kind of backup plan.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            you need connections to people in the scene unless you are so extraordinarily good that teams come to you instead.


              plan b means that you believe you can fail plan a


                just study computer science like me, u have time for dota all day


                  OP, your problem is that you think there is a skill gap that you need to surpass to become a pro dota player.
                  Literally the only thing you need to do is to keep surpassing your own skill of yesterday and getting better at the game. People like to take the example of miracle as how to become a pro, but that is not how it goes. To become a pro you have to compete constantly wherever you can. Ranked and the Battlepass are a good start but that wont take you anywhere. You can of course make a jdl team and try there, that is how people like Matumbaman and Mindcontrol got into the pro scene if I recall.

                  You will have to give up a lot, probably get your own place and work some deadend job just to get enough money for rent and to pay the flight tickets to the events if they are not local. When you become a pro, your life will literally depend of your wins.
                  Becoming a pro wont mean you will start playing in navi and get your computer software, it will very likely mean you will have to scrim for the entire week with your team to get better together and work on strats for top level teams.

                  Lets face it, you wont be able to survive of dota if you dont get into like the top 64 teams.
                  From all I saw till now, the major income of the most pro players who dont make it to the big competitions is streaming and coaching.

                  My advice is to find something you are actually good at and will certainly get money of and play dota semi-competitive. Meaning, play it in your free time and see where it gets you. In the optimal situation you will be able to quit that other job for dota and in the worse you will be able to get some money to pay your rent.


                    You need exposure to people with connections. Youll find them in some tournaments where they find potential talents.Before DJ of Fanatic became a pro he used to ply in local tournaments then he found the people to play with that took him where he is right now.

                    Lruce Bee

                      At your mmr and age and length of time you took, id say u don't really have the potential for pro Dota


                        Thanks everyone, but I forgot to mention I play just week ends cuz my life forces me to go live in intership for school.Moreover I did not say my divine 2 is near to gap lvl of pro players, that is very far, certainly very very far.. in hollydais I'm aiming to get that divine 5, so I can pursue and grind in the leaderboards.. like Sccc said that he gave up to his industry job bureau and started try Harding at solo Mmr for 11 months and cracked up the 5th rank in China and so attracted newbee attention.. I believe he was the reason why newbee gone so far in TI 7..whatever..


                          And about connections whit pro players, I think you have to play in top 1000 mmr atleast as far as I know.. it is not hard to get divine 5, just focus game communicate.. last 15 invoker games I speak whit team and do calls in mic, did not lose anyone ( main hero) this acc is second acc tho. I have started mmr very low.. and i knew as much as our grandmas know now about dota.


                            Believing in success isn't going to help you here
                            There r simply far too many things that can go wrong for you to throw it all out the window because you believe


                              Sure connections is the biggest factor when you want to be a dota pro but you could also climbing MMR into the top leaderboards to attract pro team attention like Miracle and Sccc did but for that you need a huge amount of games and its not easy for a student especially who facing final exam


                                don't ditch your studies though


                                  Make Twitch, you tube chanel it`s first what you have to do, maybe even twiter, something to make adverts. I don`t see that you put that on you profile. And you will get some money for that. It`s easyer to find you, and also to see how many ppl will watch your play, or even get few sponsors. If you just ame to get so good, 90% you wont do that. No[O]ne played TI when he was younger than you. And don`t forget that there are some divine 5 stars what don` t play as pro, so maybe you can finish like them, if you don`t try to sell yourself.


                                    Good luck, dude. Reach ur dream.

                                    But, make sure u have plan B if, maybe, u fall in dota scene