General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst item for Leshrac

First item for Leshrac in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    Support and carry wise.

    Bloodstone for carry?
    and what for supp wise?
    and i like to play the split earth edict build push early or roam is fun.

    Noisy Miner

      Strictly Tango!

      Mr. Jin

        ops forgot to rephrase. definitely tango and null and some wood branches. but i meant the mid game core item.i like blood stone but it has less utility than eul or rod of atos first.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          three bracers and clarities are your core

          Mr. Jin

            i would rather form rod of atos in that case.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Therefore three bracers, very convenient.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Two is fine though, it's just three makes you look so powerful.

                Mr. Jin

                  i wish there is a like button. haha. might as well get 5 bracers.


                    eul is to short to write


                      support gets a small item like urn followed by force euls glimmer then vessel
                      u can fit in medallion into solar if u need it
                      atos is luxury, if ur really ahead and dont need a defensive item