General Discussion

General DiscussionLow Prioity

Low Prioity in General Discussion
I'm as good as you

    Does anyone know the mechanics of LP wait times? I understand its a punishment pool, so does that:-

    A. Increase the wait time, as it seems to take ages. I.E adds on 5-10mins before actually matching?
    B. Match with people who regularly miss the Accept Match button as it takes 3-4 times to get a 10/10


      All low priority does is match you with other people who are in the low priority queue. There are fewer people in the low priority queue than the regular queue, so that's why it takes longer to find a match. As for missing the accept match button, I'm not sure, but it might be because the people in low priority are either there because they're toxic, or because they have a shitty connection, so it could be they miss the button because they have a bad connection or are just actively trolling. Valve isn't out to get you personally, that takes too much effort. Instead they punish you by putting you with other bad people.