General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR calibration of normal skill matches

MMR calibration of normal skill matches in General Discussion

    If my matches show normal skill, can i still reach a higher medal like legend? will kda ratio matters?


      YEA just play you will go high skill soon like me


        i am pro

        locked tf in team

          1k and 2k shit lord try to smurf


            Playing support wont give you HS or VHS on new accounts no matter how high your KDA Ratio and win Percentage is. I tried it on my smurf and its not working out.

            I still wonder how much mmr will I get when I calibrate.


            Check it yourself.


              ^ that’s because you are rubbish


                3.5k is max for god sake stop making topics about this smurfers

                La Dz

                  I got hs after 2 games playing support so.. 😃


                    Having a normal skill main and smurfing to calibrate at High skill doesn't work out, trust me, I've tried it and you will fall back to normal skill around your mains mmr. Mmr system doesn't lie , you are where you belong


                      Just improved your performance every game you will reach that state


                        my main account, had around 2k mmr before the medal system. after calibrating, i got crusader 4 i think, which is quite close to my past mmr. now i made a smurf account and it has been calibrated into 3.4k mmr ( ). well i think past mmr really plays a big deal in calibration. and most of it are normal skill even.