General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR increases TOO SLOWLY

MMR increases TOO SLOWLY in General Discussion

    As of right now, I find that mmr increases too slowly. I think valve should either push the game to end earlier (Ex. after min 30 the players will appear in an arena where the winning team wins the game. PS It's jus an example) OR the game should grant you more mmr depending on your win streak, so if you won 10 games in a row you should have +100 instead of +25(ofc some cap should be present.) JUST MAKE GAMES FASTER

    Remove Unranked games and make so mmr will be recalculated every 50 games or so based on certain criterias like hero dmg, kda, gpm, xpm, how fast the game ended and so on. After each recalculation, the old mmr will be taken into an account, the bigger the difference in mmr, the less will be your new mmr. So you cant jump from 1k to 7k, but increase by 1k max. You don't have to win all games, while the trend is very consistent.



        doto is a highly competitive game why there should be higher mmr increases in the first place?


          Because it seems to be a reason for burnout for many players, and it worries me to see that the game I play for almost 4 years loses its player base and might evenually die


            Because it seems to be a reason for burnout for many players, and it worries me to see that the game I play for almost 4 years loses its player base and might evenually die


              I like Clash Royale's model, but dota is a team game so its model is a bit unsuitable. But it rewards skill of the player. In doto however matchmaking may be a pain in the ass. SO a good thing would be for valve to make matchmaking according to roles, SO IF YOU WOULD WANT TO PLAY CORE YOU WILL JOIN TEAM WHICH LACKS CORES. This can be optional, if you dont want to choose it.


                saying/giving opinions is easy... but think their are people who squeeze out unfair game abuse from any weak crack in patches.
                Its very hard to implement drastic changes while keeping in mind the results of it.
                BTW not everyone welcomes the changes in game
                A slight mistake in infrastructure and the whole building collapses.
                Ex. All SEA cancers will pick core option (according to ur suggestion) and would result in delay in finding match ... about 2 hrs😷

                CR is mostly single player or duo .. with less impact incase of loss while in dota it hurts when u lose a 1 hr match.

                Volvo is also looking out for money so they wouldnot do anything that reduce their revenue.


                  Stoopidest sh1t i've ever read.


                    atlIst lt ls n0T shit


                      I am not that matured in forum topics


                        Basically op is at his correct mmr.

                        If he was underrated he would be stomping games in 20mins as meepo/brood and climbing 100mmr/1.5hrs.


                          ah i agree

                          michael sassbender

                            i think the issue is your win rate my friend


                              I wish they would implement a Role Selection Matchmaking like in LuL


                                Make it so that u get slightly more mmr if your stats are way above bracket's average. Like extra +5


                                  If your suggestions applied then Miracle- or Midone should has at least 20k mmr LUL


                                    Even just +5 would make every game like the shitfest that calibration matches usually are.

                                    Role Selection simply wouldn't work. Apart from people abusing it for shorter queue times, it messes up drafting ( a significant part of the game) by adding too many constraints. Want to turn that counterpicked CK into a roamer then do you have to swap heroes with someone who queued as support? What about when the meta allows a jungler? Does someone selecting Pos 4 have to be willing to roam/jungle or triplane?


                                      Make it so that u get slightly more mmr if your stats are way above bracket's average. Like extra +5