General Discussion

General DiscussionPL battlefury, retarded or dumb?

PL battlefury, retarded or dumb? in General Discussion
Johnny Rico



      its fine


        situational but ok
        u get it when you are stronger late to midgame but the enemy can deal with u early
        so u farm to ur true power spike later, rather than an earlier powerspike with diffusal


          why do you even need it. couple of attacks is enough for an army of illusions anyways.
          instead of 4 shotting a creepwave, you can just hit them 4 times and leave, with an advantage of having lot of illusions. When taking towers I often ask my team to not kill the coming creepwave so i can make tons of illusions through them. I even feel blessed when they activate their glyph so i can make max illusions in the meantime. Oh and I also love catapults theyre tanky enough to spawn lot of illusions.

          why would you wanna kill your sources of illusion. Plus The Diff blade powerspike is huge you can screw with people big time.
          I only get it against CK. and It doesn't feel that good when I have it, I'd rather leave each camp/creepwave with my illusions to kill them instead.
          Plus this delays your HOT timing which is just bad because you definitely need it the quicker the better.


            Pretty sure they made it so the illusions don't cleave didn't they? Seems kinda useless tbh. The stats are nice I guess but he doesn't really need help farming faster.


              ur illusions take a while to kill a wave, and someone can just come nuke the wave once u leave
              bf farms much faster than regular pl, plus u can take ancients better

              bf doesnt delay items ur thinking abt it wrong
              u shud be getting bf when u wud otherwise not be able to farm as well and ur diffusal wont be enough of a powerspike to lift u to the next item, be it manta or heart or whatever
              it should be bought when those items come faster compared to the alternate diffusal first build for that specific game

              no one is saying buy bf every game
              if the diffusal powerspike is better and they cant deal with u by all means go for that item
              but if ur against a team with a lot of aoe control or other means of making ur diffusal powerspike less powerful but lose those means later in the game (e.g. early game nukes that cant clear illusions with heart later on, disable that doesnt go through bkb, early silence before manta, etc.) then going bf to get those items and levels you need to reach a bigger and better powerspike later in the game is more ideal


                "ur illusions take a while to kill a wave, and someone can just come nuke the wave once u leave "
                Normally if a hero can nuke the entire wave once you leave, they can also kill you if you're there. What I do is Q and leave lane if there's a nuker and kill potential on me. Imagine staying there and killing creeps with a Bfury. It's not safer (Plus ur a PL with a freaking Bfury).

                besides nobody dares enter a shitfest of PL illusions with Dif blade unless they have some heavy AOE shit because couple of hits from each illusion (which can be landed very easily thanks to passive) makes them out of mana and half HP.

                And if you really want to farm faster get Diff blade and a Manta and with very little micro ing you get to enjoy the pleasing gold sound every few seconds

                I don't care about the twisted logics people use (Trying so hard to make sense of what pros do), I am not convinced by these logics that Bfury is good for PL(other than countering). BF on lifestealer would make more sense. or even on a Ursa.

                or Maybe I don't understand because I'm at a shit bracket atm. -.-


                  bf makes no sense on ursa lmfao

                  yes staying to kill the wave is more dangerous, but u clear the wave fast enough with bf to just leave
                  meanwhile diffusal takes longer to push out the wave meaning more time where the enemy has vision of that area, more time for them to respond, etc

                  if u cant understand why bf farms faster than diffusal i just think u vastly underestimate the farming potential of bf

                  there r games where just microing illusions at the enemy with diffusal does remove half their hp and all their mana, thats probably most games, but if ur in a game where they just stun or clear the illusions then whats the point
                  in this case u can get bf, farm towards a faster heart than u otherwise would have gotten, and then sustain through their clear and disable, reaching a later but more effective powerspike
                  ur always looking at the ideal scenario for diffusal when its not realistic that this scenario shows up every game
                  u can argue that u shudnt pick pl without the ideal scenario u described, but u dont always get last pick or the perfect draft

                  I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                    if u need to keep up in farm with enemy cores its fine, but ur fucking useless with this build and if ur team cant carry you game's lost


                      One of the main reasons PL BF started as a trend was because of an oversight that allowed illusions to gain the bonus dmg against creeps as well. This has since been patched out, however it remains as a situational pickup if you aren't pressured to fight early, and just want to reach a level where the other team can't kill you.


                        bf pl isnt completely useless
                        u can still pick up a kill or 2 if ur team is there
                        and its not abt team carrying u
                        if ur relying on these things then ur not buying the item in the right scenario

                        Forget me not

                          Am first item bf is completely useless, do nothing. Rawr.

                          Lruce Bee

                            What. Bf on ursa is great. You guys just haven't tried it yet.

                            Lruce Bee

                              See how much farm I had.


                                If you arent in a hurry to fight then bf on pl is really good


                                  depends on situation to be honest, but at your rank do watever you want


                                    I'm still biased that agha is better tbh

                                    Feel free to argue against it


                                      agha is super strong, but lets say enemy has furion. then you will not have enough lance-jumps to clear all creeps :/ bf very situational and also alot about WHEN you get it (12-14 minutes? go bf! 15+minutes? dont go bf...)


                                        The difference between bf and aghs is that aghs requires a lot of Mana, and almost no commitment
                                        I think u only go aghs against a lot of units so you can actually kill them and spawn illusions in fights too.
                                        Bf clears the wave faster but u have to be there to hit, making it easier for the enemy to kill you


                                          Aghs also makes you bulkier
                                          Bf gives better sustain
                                          Bf should come earlier, first item
                                          Aghs should be timed with the lvl 15 talent and bought after 1 smaller item like yasha or diffusal


                                            Putangora idea


                                              You need to know when buy bf, and when buy diffusal first.
                                              If you know that you will fight early game, than you get difussal and other items, if enemy team have illusion-hero, get bf
                                              If you have a free farm, and know that game will be like 30-40 min or not be easy, you buy bf.


                                                Bfury is a farming item. If they are shutting your team down early and u go battlefry you will probably lose. If they enemy is stagnant not ganking and only farming and you go Diffusal first your farm will suffer.