General Discussion

General DiscussionPosition 5 supp

Position 5 supp in General Discussion

    What are the impactful position 5 supports in terms of winning the lane and mid to late game teamfights?
    I just want to ask because a lot of players want to play roam and I wanna know more pos 5 supports.






          If you have carry/other roamer with Burst (luna+Lion), WD Is quite Safe bet. Maledict amplification Is insane on lvl2, if you have dmg.


            lich and jakiro, maybe cm and io as honorable mentions

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              bane is the best shit there is

              Синячий патруль

                Disruptor is the best pos5 and will stay for a long time i believe

                Suck my tiny curry dick


                  Potato Marshal

                    I'm really liking SD right now if there's at least one good hero to disrupt in the match. Especially good against popular carries like jugg.


                      Ogre , Jakiro , Shadow Shaman , Bounty Hunter, Rubick, Kunkka, Dark Willow


                        i always fuck up with nightmare , im so bad


                          Disruptor is hard to do in pubs
                          Bane is better
                          Maybe shaman

                          Potato Marshal

                            Bane and Naga are overrated for anything below 6k. So many times have I seen people screw up their abilities in team fights. They're just not worth it if you can't consistently setup kills in the early game.


                              Dark Willow, that shit is OP if you really knows how to play her properly

                              Potato Marshal

                                Dark willow as a support is so bad from what I've seen, but that's probably more due to the fact that the support willows I've played with don't know how to play her. Like a trilanes support willow maxing out shadow realm first :sick:


                                  what you should be asking, what kind of pos 5 support r u getting. If you think you might have to solo support then pick hero that isnt item depended, and if you think you need to pick first, then pick support that excel in most situation with less counter. It's just that simple.