General Discussion

General DiscussionSkadi feels underwhelming rn?

Skadi feels underwhelming rn? in General Discussion
the better spidey

    On heroes that I used to almost always buy it on; Jugg, TB, sometimes AM, etc.

    Nowadays it feels like the carry needs to purchase some sort of “explosive” item in the mid-game, be it a 10-second BKB, a Nullifier to prevent the enemy carry’s BKB, a Butterfly to supercharge your damage, or an Abyssal (similar purpose to Nullifier.)

    Skadi is like, the opposite of explosive. The slow isn’t going to make a difference whether or not you get to kill that guy you’re focusing on most of the time, so it’s essentially just a stat booster.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Indeed, Skadi is just the sweet sweet icing on the cake.

      And should remain that way.

      Lruce Bee

        unless you're TB Or dusa. Getting it on squishy melee cores early on means you're getting a defensive item. So you're pretty much fkd


          It was never a sick dps boost item in the first place


            Pretty sure you just get it on ranged carries that benifit from being able to slow down their targets so they can kill them, like TB and Dusa.
            Also the stats are really good on TB since a hero like Lina can nearly kill him with one combo no matter what stage of the game it is (unless you bkb of course).

            Potato Marshal

              Skadi has never been a mid-game item


                Yeah It's pretty situational.

                get it if you want more mana sustain.
                for example if youre AM against a TB and one Reflection is enough for him to drain all your mana disabling you to blink.
                It also pierces through BKB so you could kite heroes like Sven or Ursa with it.

                Overall I feel like the gold we pay is partly for inteligence and mana, and the HP isn't that great (compare that to a HOT). Unless I really need the slow against BKB, or the extra mana, There are always better items.


                  linken is better on AM for that situation


                    linken is better on AM for that situation


                      Why llinken when you can Aghanim

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        ^Because Sunder still works in that situation.
                        Linkens gives better stats and regen too.

                        You can also get Skadi on Morph very early too, much earlier if you don't need Linkens in the game.


                          ^true! on morph its a really good midgame item when there are no singel target spells anyway. hate it to run around with 500hp for farming :-D
                          skadi is also a really good item on all illusion heroes (i know tb was mentioned, but how about pl? super good imo) and when you are ursa it might be better than a asher in some cases (but not generally better)

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Sunder, Duel, Swap pierce AM Aghs. Also you can use Linken on teammate in a clutch situation.

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Also AM Aghs is disabled by Break since it's tied to Spell Shield.


                                then again it means if the enemy doesn't naturally build SE or have those mentioned skills isn't it better to have aghs?