General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to pick Weaver carry?

When to pick Weaver carry? in General Discussion
the better spidey

    I’m asking because pros will SOMETIMES pick her, maybe one in 10 games. I don’t see the point though, often I feel like there could’ve been better heroes to fill in her spot that offer better damage / tower push / offlane punishment.

    Lruce Bee

      When u have last pick and need mobile cores that can be active in fights (not am)


        no silence
        need agressive core
        minus armor strat
        enemy high BAT
        enemy low mobility

        not exactly an easy hero to master but worth to learn and can be abused up to 4k mmr

        kunst 2

          Don't listen to him it's the easiest hero to master (even on Sniper you have to think about positioning and stuff).


            As a carry never, i never saw it it's usually a 3/4th position


              Does great against Spectre, which never gets picked.

              Lruce Bee

                Very bad as offlaner for a Long time.

                Player 345996680

                  it is strong early, and its also an am-level of a lategame splitpusher.

                  Lruce Bee

                    No. How the fuck is he am level split pusher. Unless u get mjolnir or battlefury.


                      @the better spidey


                        Don't pick him, he sucks so hard at the moment.


                          Weaver is great against heroes like lifestealer and troll who hate getting kited.
                          Otherwise that hero feels pretty underwhelming right now


                            when you dont have enough lockdown or cc weaver never dies and is just pain in the ass, hate the hero so much -.-


                              Weaver is feminine? Wtf


                                People think puck is a girl too so u can never know with these people



                                  Dire Wolf

                                    weaver has really shit dmg, but if enemy can't kill you and you have time to get items then it might be good. If enemy has squishy supports you can pick off it might be good.


                                      Hero is garbage atm. Need to much too come online (at least 2 items) and is bad at farming those 2 items.
