General Discussion

General DiscussionBlue Star

Blue Star in General Discussion

    I dont deserve a blue Star, dotabuff says
    HartzFear plays ranked at high mmr! But its a lie. There are legend players in almost every game i play.

    Muhammad Sumbul

      Well i am a crusader 2(doesnt show here check opendota profile or in game),and i always have legends and sometimes ancients every game i play.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Blue star is too easy,anyone who put a little bit effort can get it.


          Icctea are u talking from ur own personal experience LUL


            I thought licetea is dead


              its ok, soon there will be recalibration

              SASA POPOVIC

                recalibration is a meme you will still hover around your original MMR, people that dream about skiping brackets can forget about it!

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Ya I didn't even bother to go play in anylane,I just putting more effort on learning how a hero work and by playing 2 hero in only jungle,I raise my mmr from 4.5 to 5K like about a month or 2


                    recalibration is a meme you will still hover around your original MMR, people that dream about skiping brackets can forget about it!
                    exactly, so if OP doesnt think he deserves divine medal he wont have it anymore after recalibration if his mmr is low enough to not be divine anymore