General Discussion

General DiscussionCore Naga Siren

Core Naga Siren in General Discussion
Happy Pill <3

    I've checked the recent guides for Naga Siren and noticed a trend. Everyone seems to be playing Naga Siren as position 4 support with the meme hammer as a core item, with a couple of games going Radiance by the 30 minute mark or higher, but they're mostly stomps so it's quite understandable how they were able to afford the luxury item. Is a core position Naga Siren (Radiance > Manta > Octarine > Diffusal build up) no longer feasible as of this patch? Which changes from previous patches caused this transition? And what has to change to bring back the core Naga Siren?


      > no longer feasible as of this patch?
      This build takes too long to start impact. Dota came faster and faster across many last patches, no time for long farm.

      But build itself still imba in x5 games wtih right pick and macro game, imao.