General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to elder titan?

How to elder titan? in General Discussion

    Hero from what I’ve heard is some op shit. he looks really clunky but how exactly should he be played in early to late game?

    turtle dove`

      you can do anything you want in a normal skill game bracket


        I played a solo offlane elder titan yesterday and maxed out my astral spirit first. whenever an enemy creep wave came up i would astral the 2 enemy heroes in my lane and micro the spirit through their creep wave and then through the small jungle camp closest to lane. once it came back i got over 100 bonus dmg and would just walk up and smack the enemy. it surprised the shit out of them the damage i was doing. but after laning stage i switched to just trying to catch the enemy with my stomp and using my ult.

        i dont think this is viable in high mmr games and against a trilane it would be pretty risky. but its fun if you are against a dual lane with little kill potential on you


          elder titan is pretty good in the right hands and with a good team the fact that he reduce base armor and resistance is crazy vs agility heroes like Slark and PA


            ^u mean morphling
            both heroes u mentioned r super fringe rn


              Just land your combo

              Potato Marshal

                Even in my matches, people underestimate how much damage you gain from spirit.


                  if you have setter it would be better to do it. like axe, naga or void


                    pin safelane
                    buy wand and threads and mask of madness
                    max 2nd and 3rd
                    get these talents
                    +25 Movement Speed
                    +30 Astral Spirit icon.png Astral Spirit Hero Attack
                    +70 Attack Speed
                    100% Lifesteal

                    #1 Philippine player

                      get daedalus plus spirit damage \= win