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General DiscussionNeed offlane Tips

Need offlane Tips in General Discussion

    Im playing a lot of offlane recently and I like it. Almost no one fight for this position.

    I mostly like playing those tanky cc meele picks like Tide, Axe, Centaur, Underlord but I have problems on:

    1) when to abandon the suicide lane so I dont feed. From my recent games I realized that sometimes its maybe better to just go jungle min 1 instead of going lane for certain death (staying in the woods dont help)

    2) Also I have problems playing against good triple lanes. And Im not talking about that triple lanes that just try to gank you and leave you to jungle freely. Im talking about those triples like Lion + Tuskar that chase yo ass to the jungle and kill you everytime you're in spell range.

    Well generally I know that I can pick something that can trade hits with them more easily like Wr or Weaver. Or I can even pick Lich instead, but I just like to make sure that I provide nuff crowd control for my team in later stages of the game. but those picks have problems early game when enemies play over agressive. What do you personally do when pos 5 and 4 chase you to the jungle and literally no one tp to the shrine to help you ?


      I realized that sometimes its maybe better to just go jungle min 1 instead of going lane for certain death (staying in the woods dont help)

      This is a huge mistake. You're letting the enemy safe lane to free farm ALONE since supports will rotate because there's no action in the offlane(you ain't showing up). I've seen some videos of GeneRaL(Navi offlaner) where he explains why jungling is such a mistake.

      2) Also I have problems playing against good triple lanes.

      If they are trilaning you it means you're doing great! The enemy safe lane will be underleveled and your cores will have more space to farm and commit for kills. Even if you die a few times, it doesn't really matter becuase you're under leveled and have no farm which means quite a low amount of gold and xp distributed to three enemies.

      I can pick something that can trade hits with them more easily like Wr or Weaver.

      Both of these heroes are dogshit offlaners. They can only harass the safe laner and do nothing after laning phase is over. I recommend you to play tank-initiatior heroes or those who's power spikes are between mid to late game. Heroes like Tide, Beast, Cent, Underlord, Axe(situational), abba, sandking are really good.
      For instance, if you're playing beastmaster, as soon as you hit level 6, you should request for a gank. Tell to your roamer to come help you top and you can easily kill the enemies.

      What do you personally do when pos 5 and 4 chase you to the jungle and literally no one tp to the shrine to help you ?

      If it's possible, I trade hits with them(I usually buy 3/6 tangos and 1 salve if I know that they might tri-lane me). Or you can try to pull the hard camp when they pull the small camp to the creeps. If we take beastmaster as an example, I use axes to pull the hard camp which helps me a lot by securing a creep wave.

      I would also recommend you to watch a few 6k offlaners who stream their games on twitch. :-D gl


        Tbh if you can keep the 2 supports on you without dying 10 times on 10 mins i would say you are doing a great job

        i have 5 reports to use

          Hi lex, as an offlaner you don't want to be leaving the lane ever.

          Versus a trilane it is most likely that you will have to die to make them aggro your creeps so the creeps end up nearer to your tower. I recommend going double stout shield if you are in this situation. Also try to go for the block or the pull if you see the enemy supports at your safelane.

          a)always pick a strong offlaner that can really burn the enemy regen if they try to kill you for a measly 150 gold it is usually not worth it to kill you.
          b)do some enemy lane creep stacking tricks.
          c) ask a support to come counter zone for you.

          Divine 0 player

          Story Time

            is WK solo offlane a legit pick?


              pick bristle when you see strong 3lane, supports just leaving carry after few frag attempts, even if they kill you before you get 3-4 lvl its okay

              Story Time

                ^bristle is not a 100% true solution, often he falls back after laning phase


                  Geckotardius Divine 0 player


                    Thank you guys for the answers ! Appreciated.

                    Now I know that I was making a huge mistake. But everytime I fed on lane for whatever reason - I felt like enemy carry just get more fat. Carries on Ancient dont farm very fast without the kills anyway. :P (they miss cs, screw up equilibrium - it happens a lot)

                    I just feel that the only heros that can trade with trilanes are: Underlord, Undying and Bristleback. But BB provides no crowd control, I dont like Tombstone. Well maybe Underlord will do the job.

                    Another thing that Im going to try today is stacking the wave. I saw some guy that goes on 20 sec behind enemy t2 to hold the lane and then tp out. I think that is what I need to learn the most.

                    And should I really almost never leave the lane to keep the supports on it ? Even if they have something like jakiro shaman jugger ?


                      in that scenario they have no pos 4 they are running a trilane to secure core's farm you can't contest nor do anything :-D just stick to the tower and try to get something out of the lane lul


                        You can also pick rlly hard to kill heroes like ench


                          If it's rlly bad, and ur playing a hero like sk or ench, you can just go gank the mid player.
                          If you are dying 10 times in 10 minutes, just go fuck off from that part of the map and try to pull the supports elsewhere


                            Just tried to stack the lane for myself.

                            At -30 went smoke under mid tower towards their t3, aggro creeps for a while and tp back to the lane. Ez 2-3 lvls. It reallly works.


                              Same goes with pulling the wave. If you're playing on radiant and wanna pull the creepwave you can walk towards the top lane sideshop, go through the trees and then use a tango to cut that one tree which leads to the the gap in trees behind the dire top tier 1 tower ( its super hard to explain with words and i dont think there's a video about it anywhere. I saw it from some random 6k guy i played with in a pub).

                              After that hide in the trees behind the tower and use another tango to cut a path which allows you to go to the lane and only take 1 hit from the tower in the process. You want to do this around 0:17. Its a good trick cause the enemy supports usually wont expect you coming from thar direction and it will take them some time to react and try to stop you. If your hero has a movement spell there's almost no chance you die and even if you dont manage to get the creeps behind your tier 1 you still delayed the lane for enough time for the creeps to push towards you.


                              You can check out the replay of this match where i played pangolier to see how i did it.