General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge 7.11 guide

Pudge 7.11 guide in General Discussion

    Make sure you highlight mid at the drafting phase.

    Starting items: quelling blade and two stout shields to farm and block harrasses from opponent midlaner.

    Max hook or rot, flesh heap shouldnt be exist.

    Rush blink or battle fury if your farming goes well. Skip boots cause you can slow opponents already with rot, no need to speed contest.

    Get some aspd items like shadow blyat or ASSault cuirASS (amazing how this item contains two asses in its name lol) for taking towers and help farm faster even you had your BF already.

    Ask your supports to initiate, if they are in trouble just hook to save them. Also save dismember for kill secure.

    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

      no offense but this seem very low skill guide wrong to play game like this this is why it are said to not make guides if you're not even average skill in dota, let pro players make guides instead of spam bad guide.


        Barry mice Thread Fren


          i'm gonna do this with another hero just saying :D