General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about calibrating on a old account!!

Question about calibrating on a old account!! in General Discussion

    Hey guys i was thinking about something on old accounts.For example if i have a 3k old smurf or 4k one and after medal reset they got uncalibrated so 10 games for calibration.What if you play normal games now till it goes vhs and vs divines will the mmr change ((from the old mmr that this acc had )) or dosnt matter???

    Story Time

      the calibration is based on the old mmr. If you win 5 and lose 5 games, the mmr will not change and you get the appropriate medal most of the time (see mmr range for each medal). If you win al the game you get +250 mmr and -250 if you lose all to your previous mmr, and so on


        @Story Time what im trying to say is by playing normal matches (NOT RANKED) for a while till that account goes to vhs can you calibrate more than that account had before ?

        Bill Cutting

          No unranked games don’t count it’s based on old mmr I can confirm