General Discussion

General Discussion3v3 SUGGESTIONS

3v3 SUGGESTIONS in General Discussion
mabasag sana pc mo detoor

    Please someone give me some advice about best pick draft heroes for 3v3 tournament . Thank you .


      Lc? Because less factors for interuptinf a duel

      Sf for sick damage at a quick interval

      Gyro for D A M A GE both phys and magical


        brood last pick


          Bane 1st physical hitter, sleep with cm and grip qop booty?

          mabasag sana pc mo detoor

            Thanks . we got outplayed last night shit draft pick and ban

            our team = SK , KROB and SVEN
            against = LYCAN, PUGNA and REXAR

            we called it gg someone pls advice me how to stop kind of this heroes


              What rexar

              mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                i dont know what im doing 9 minutes ago
                What rexar
                Beastmaster what I mean they were pushing around 10 mins with necro and we can't do anything for that


                  DOTA 2 =/= DOTA 1
                  u Mongols need to stop using their fucking old names holy shit

                  mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                    I am numb 9 minutes ago
                    DOTA 2 =/= DOTA 1
                    u Mongols need to stop using their fucking old names holy shit

                    hahaha mybad we played dota 1 also for betting and dota 2




                        Yes but besides furion and bara
                        No one uses dota 1 names and it is in ur benefit to use dota 2 names so everyone is clear and that people understand you
                        It's your loss if you choose not to convey ur ideas well


                          if you play 3v3 on the normal 3-lanes-map, I guess that you just should pick strong laners who are either strong at playing alone for most of the game or are good at killing elusive heroes. E. g. Sven just lost his lane really badly I'd guess.
                          With a lineup of furion, beastmaster and pugna even if the enemy team manages to kill one of those, if the other 2 just keep splitpushing (not brianless), they should be able to outfarm and outpush a team that goes 3-manning.
                          Weaver might be strong, too.
                          Or Puck, DK, Brood, Ench, Rhasta, Sylla, Viper, Timbersaw, Omniknight.
                          Those heroes who can win or at least draw most lanes and have good push potential and/or good kill potential


                            walking dead is rly nice, monk+dk+disc

                            otherwise u can pair a lot of setups with ww, ww+arcane, ww+affl, ww+sp, since ww has a lot of utility

                            just make sure u play well, 3vs3 probably is the easiest when u can communicate in discord or somethign


                              for pugna you can just pick sniper mid,lycan just pick enchant,rex just go centa safelane will do

                              generally pick strong heroes to win your lane i guess lol


                                Pick pushers or strong laners like axe is pretty strong vs melee heroes or bb
                                Split pushers are great too like brood lycan pugna bm who also are strong laners dk is almost good almost

                                + all pick 3v3 is meaningless go for sd


                                  im a lycan spammer. you cant bet that 3 heroes against lycan. you can play counter heroes for your safe lane and offlane. mid varies, Krob was okay... but she rely on her ultimate. if i were to draft 3v3 i would choose

                                  1. nature’s prophet (decent damage early game, mobility, global ultimate, can push towers. can sprout+natures call combo to gank the other lane.

                                  2. mid: heroes like qop, sf, lina, those having devastating skills or good ultimate, NP can setup gank so easily when these heroes reaches at level 6.

                                  3. then clinkz, weaver, broodmother, viper, tinker, pangolier.

                                  all these heroes can clear creep waves so easily and its not easy to lane against with.


                                    Why the fuck does it feel like only raj have brain for one second in this thread


                                      I can't see whatever people write are bs or nah I'm too lazy to think

                                      mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                        Again we lost our match

                                        My pick :
                                        1. Slardar 2. Sven 3. Necrophos
                                        Oppopent pick:
                                        1. Viper 2. CK 3. Tiny

                                        Getting Rekt again !


                                          Alternatively last pick meepo if u got a meepo player


                                            I've never played 3v3 but funamentally any hero that is a 'Lane dominator' or 'jack of all trades' is regarded as good in games like this.

                                            Heros like, Mirana, while she doesn't excel at anything, she actually fits 3v3 quite well being able to do legitimately 'anything' and is mobile enough too place a few wards without sacrificing farm.. that is something quite valuable for a game mode like this.

                                            I would Prioritise heros that add pressure and are self reliant, heros like Visage, Meepo, Pugna, beastmaster
                                            These 3 heros just do their own thing, and don't really care what the opponent does.

                                            You have too have heros that can 'push lanes' in this game mode, and idealy heros that can all 'solo' carry a game.

                                            Visage, Beastmaster, pugna, meepo all fit this style.

                                            You brought up a good point about prophet, he'd be quite valued in a game mode like this.

                                            My 3 picks would most likely be

                                            First pick visage into situational - BM = more wave clear, Pugna = anti int hero, meepo = no aoe , veno = (fight cancer with cancer)

                                            Even Doom can be a hero for a mode like this, having a 'fuck this particular hero' spell

                                            'Slardar, sven, necro are 3' heros that don't do very well on thier own, None of the 3 heros you picked can deal with a viper.


                                              u need a good player. 😂😂😂