General Discussion

General DiscussionReasoning behind Battlefury Slark?

Reasoning behind Battlefury Slark? in General Discussion

    seems like its been a recurring trend for a while now even ever since the BF meta was patched out people still build BF on this hero

    enlighten me please why do people build this item over midas if you want a decent farming item, or heck, why do you even build a farming item on a hero that is normally played to pick off lone supports and snowball at the start of the game, assuming its viable in that specific game. Is it just situational or is this the new meta?

    I know that in my bracket most shit would probably work as long as its not awfully ridiculous but i'm still curious.


      useless shit


        bf means you want to delay ur powerspike to a midgame one rather than an early game one
        if ur sb cant actually net you kills then its better to farm a level and networth advantage so u can
        plus the mana regen from bf and aquila means u can pact and pounce every camp and take ancients
        it improves your farm significantly
        if you pick slark into the perfect slark game, u will be able to use sb to its full effect and dominate early, but if the enemy team is better suited to deal with you early on, then get bf first and get ur sb later.

        Lruce Bee

          Because slark is so shit he can't snowball in the way he's supposed to.


            slark is out of the meta :( dank i remember glorius days when the fish is fucking steal your carry atribute and solo kill everyone with silver edge and shit