General Discussion

General DiscussionThread on how you got attached to dota :D

Thread on how you got attached to dota :D in General Discussion

    Let me start with mine.

    I was a state squash player since the age of 9. I got really good and by 12 I was invited to join the national Malaysian squash team. Squash was my everything. Went everyday 365/365 without fail unless if the court was closed. By thirteen, I got into middle school which is technically considered highschool here. Long story short, I moved to an international school because my parents disliked the fact that I was learning important subjects such as science etc in our local language instead of English (Which they used to do). The only friendly and not stuck to the phone friends I had played dota. I realised that I was being played by the people at squash after meeting these new people and realised I was nothing close to a friend for those people at squash. So, I spent my time playing dota with my friends everyday after school and stopped playing Squash. I enjoy looking at people frown when I tell them im done with squash. :D


      i think its because how much fun it was playing dota with my friends. we would even skip school sometimes just to play some dota

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Easy to Attatch but hard to detach.Like drug,smoking,porn ect.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Don't you regret giving up all the skills you've honed in squash?
          You were invited to the national team in squash but now you're just another scrub in dota. D:
          These friends most probably will become strangers too, you know.


            What a retard xD
            Imagine Cristiano Ronaldo giving up football to play dota with his frens

            Grief Counselor

              @1-IceTea 🌟 the wolf is dead.


                herniated a disc in my back so couldn't do any sport and was in constant pain and bored. dota cured both but left me with an addiction...


                  @IceTea wtf? You alive? Swear there was a thread that you got cancer.
                  @Dawn hahahaha I was dying after reading this man hahahaha
                  @Crobat not quite, cause I still have em. I drop by sometimes and still prove that they havent improved eversince. I am damn close with ine and also pretty good friends with another. Other guy is just lost in his own world.
                  @Rocket Things happen for a reason, best of luck to you.
                  @Jani stay at school or you will become a 'Jani-tor'



                    nearly every single one of them ditched the game for smth else or moved on with life, game feels pointless and unworthy to grind


                      my brother introduced me to dota and i liked it and now i play dota.


                        Saw some kids clicking in circles now even i clicking in circles




                            save your fingers/mouse and just turn on auto-click....


                              I started play league with my friends until some other guys told me lol is trash game and dota is much better. Now im Here and hate any Kind of viedeo games, but cant quit anymore.

                              Skywrath Mage Only

                                Dont play dota, u suck


                                  So you made a smurf and you only play mid and carry. I see you are 15 as well btw :)))


                                    haha anime butts r cool amirite

                                    verified vexillophile

                                      Used to play league. Dota is more fun. Don't like play other games that much. It allows me to have sessions of gaming and each game is different from the last. :smile:


                                        Last match 2 months ago


                                          I play college ball in the Philippines and tore my ACL, for a year I needed to feel competition in my downtime and I feel the same rush from winning and teamplay I get from a good match from both dota and sports.


                                            Not giving up sports though dota is my hobby


                                              We played Wc3 on Lanparties on a regular basis and discovered this custom map called dota (allstars?) Version 5.58 maybe? From then on I started playing doto 1.


                                                @Umbranox I turned 16 in January :P , im a pos 4 player in party ranked tho. Just posting on this acc cause it was last acc I signed in with.


                                                  I used to play a lil bit of league when I was 10? Didnt know much. I would be your cancer player haha, dont think I knew how to get team chat working even😂. Pretty cool eh how dota just came into our lives. Best video game I think I have ever played besides Black Ops 2 Zombies and Fifa. We may have a toxic community but the game is just really good.