General Discussion

General Discussionto all sick rubbick players

to all sick rubbick players in General Discussion
Beater Griffin

    I need some help,
    look at my winrate as rubbick.
    What makes a good rubbickplayer?
    I think i play to agressiv as a pos5 cause i only play mid or roam.



      Watch one of Yapzors Gameplays, hes playing super greedy, snacks every kill with his W gets Blink and Euls (I also like Forcestaff). Aether lens is also great.

      Machado98 #xatubaking

        I play a lot of rubick and watch a lot of rubick stuff, I would say a good rubick is the one that can impact the game the most and for that you rely on the other team's picks.
        Sure, there is always a stun or something but the game is so much better when you are playing against the big ultimate heroes, the mind games, the plays, etc.
        Also I don't recommend roaming, too slow and rubick needs xp, either you always get a kill or just stick to your safelane until your carry is Gucci
        I don't recommend mid too, it's super fun and you can be super effective with a good start but rubick can't farm for shit, if you are behind you lost, only chances of a comeback are really good fights


          Rubick doesn't need to be against a big ulti
          There r plenty of basic spells which r rlly effective (e.g. burrowstrike)


            I always feel rubick is wasted as a 5. The power/fun spike from his aghs is unparalleled.

            Machado98 #xatubaking

              @I am numb
              Rubick doesn't need big ultis but he is way more effective against them, not only you can steal those ultis but the enemy is also afraid of it.
              Enemy enigma/magnus/tide/sk/shaker/puck might not even ult at all if you are in a good position just for the risk of being countered
              Minor stuns and disables, even though they are effective, won't be held by the enemy just because there is a rubick


                #1 he is a situational pick. So you need to pick him against big Ults, Effective Spells Ex: Fissure, ice Path, Sven Stun, Pit of Malic etc.. He is also weak in lane and has minimal damage output which means if they have a STRONG offlaner or dual laner you need to be wary of the pick. #2 his positioning is KEY. You need to be stealthy and unpredictable- if you just run up to steal shit you will die. He needs to be played like a Ninja. Hiding in trees back positioning etc.. If you are playing vs a Big ult you need to predict the loation of the big ult and be within range to steal it. So if u see a Blink tidehunter trying t set up ravage you need to be ready with ur blink to steal it. Or an Enigma Black hole- You don't want to be IN the ult or you wont get it. He does really well in "Chase" team-fights or all out brawls. You want to avoid the initiation role if you can and avoid the Drawn out spread out tam-fights. You will die if you get close to a big target


                  I'd suggest try to not die too much even I can't do 5 deaths or bellow every game but try to not die more than 5 deaths while having an impact


                    Yes but as a support, you want to pick early
                    If they reveal a couple of heroes with decent spells to steal then you should just pick him
                    He also works to prevent the enemy from picking those heroes
                    Also considering how null field works now you can even pick him earlier to synergize with ur own teams magic burst

                    Rubick isn't just abt stealing holes


                      you can pick him whenever u want but you need to know what to steal and when to steal.. you need to focus on the fight but stay far back and steal shit from people and kill/save them (im not high mmr and im not perfect rubick player but this is the answer.. there is nothing special you need to know)
                      maybe if im wrong correct me


                        It’s a lot of knowing what your enemy wants to do next. Classic example, enemy team wants to take a fight cause ravage is up, know that tide is about to jump in and try to remain out if vision and rage because he will try to clip you so you can’t steal it.