General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Lycan so unpopular despite his good winrate?

Why is Lycan so unpopular despite his good winrate? in General Discussion

    Lycan is the 107th most picked hero in the game with one of the best winrates in the game ,doesn't make any sense.


      One reason he has such a high winrate is because not many people play him. Similar to a hero like Visage, the only people who consistently play him are on average better with him. If he was let's say the 20th most popular hero, his winrate would drop because less skilled players are playing him.


        He is 1 dimensional and a bit boring because of how formulaic he is


          WK is even more boring than Lycan and he is played a lot...

          Potato Marshal

            Autists who pick carry only want to play heroes like jugg, pa, tb etc. They don't like the idea of buying items like hotd, necro book etc. And would rather kill heroes than towers.

            #1 Philippine player

              Why is Divine Rapier so unpopular despite having good winrate?

              People pick lycan when he is the right pick for a certain draft and has no counters hence he will naturally have a high win rate.
              People buy divine when they are already winning, hence the very high win rate.

              1-IceTea 🌟



                  take a look, i found out lycan has a good winrate, so i picked it like 10 times in solo q 3 weeks ago and win 8 of them
                  the hero just good and not many people realize that

                  Story Time

                    because in 9 out of 10 pubs dota is for fun and not for win

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Lol Lycan is the most fun hero ,can chase enemies and kill them infront of fountain and have time to retreat.

                      and easily dodge ALOT of skill if you are good at him


                        It's ur only hero.
                        Of course you like it


                          Lycan pickers are the worst tryhards imo.


                            nah void spammers are worse


                              oh dang


                                Hero is boring.


                                  Lycan spammer here 😁😁😁 i used that hero to climbed from 2k and now in 3.8k.... in lower bracket players seems underestimate lycan pushing capability with only hotd it can push lanes so easily and as you aware in normal skill bracket players dont really defend towers often... enemy are busy farming or jungling.

                                  i used lycan to extend that i was so obsess that even there are counters i still picked him in resulting of losing streak as well. i used to have 70% winrate... but recently went down to 61% over 150 games now.

                                  in my current bracket players are more knowledgable...a lot of supports understands very well... they already building ghost scepters, euls, atos, previously i dont see support building these items and lots lots of counters, tinker, zeus, sniper, mk, invoker, in lower bracket i can win easily on these heroes... but not anymore right now alot of decent players.

                                  officially signing off as lycan. my fruitful days are over. now i back as support role for good 😁


                                    Lycan is not afk farm hero
                                    Lycan need micro