General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone explain how this "matchmaking balance" works?

Can someone explain how this "matchmaking balance" works? in General Discussion

    I either stomp or get stomped, its like there is bunch of absolutely clueless players and its some kind of lottery, sometimes they are in my team and sometimes they are in oposite, they are pretty obvious to spot but how does matchmaking system distribute them? Am i imagining things or this is real?

    I mean i havent got a close game like ever, you know from pretty much minute 15 will you win or lose, there wasnt recovery ever from both sides?


      That's because people (including yourself) play like automatons at the lower levels. They follow builds, farm, push, fight irrespective of the relative powers of each team so, once you are behind, you stay behind.

      The people you identify as clueless are probably the same skill level as everyone else in the game but probably just had a bad start/lane matchup/build for the game.

      There are very very few people outside of smurfs/boosted/account buyers (none of which exist at your mmr - or mine) that are not at their correct mmr +/-200. almost everyone has a winrate of between 48-52%.


          What i identify as clueles is for example from my last match: This "legedn 2" WR who wanted to carry and support in the same time, you can call that account buyer, or this Bloodstone rushing Leshrac, if those 2 people were in my team i would lose for sure!

          Thats my definition of clueless, i hope we understand eachother now.


            Dude, stop paying attention to what others do. To git gud, you gotta focus only on YOURSELF. Stop watching others because they're dogshit, keep this shit in mind man.


              Wake up. You are just as bad as the other players in your game. What was the point of silver edge in the game you discuss?


                PS that legend WR is because they have a much higher party mmr and it has messed up matchmaking for them after the medal change. it isn't a boosted or bought account. it is admittedly someone's (very bad) smurf.


                  Bloodstone rushing Leshrac

                  u know this is done at 6k average games right


                    tbf they probably don't take 27mins and go 0-9-5 though ;)


                      Dude, you're crusader 2. That means everyone including you in your games is clueless.

                      They follow builds, farm, push, fight irrespective of the relative powers of each team so, once you are behind, you stay behind.

                      This sentence pretty much explains why you stomp or get stomped in your games. If you want to change that practice and you alone can make enough of a difference and win the game for your team.


                        This happens to all brackets so its useless for you to complain how evenly players are distributed. In VHS and HS bracket like Ancient and Divine they have players like the ones you described.They get frustrated as well but its a matter of moving on and trying to get better by focusing n what we can improve.I am in normal skill games which i play with people is 10x worse than u have played. U can check my last game.

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Wake up. You are just as bad as the other players in your game. What was the point of silver edge in the game you discuss?

                          TImbersaw and Leoric, annoying passives.

                          Also i just asked a question, why is everyone in this forum in defense mode every time someone asks something? I really feel that games are very uneven sometimes and that matchmaking doesnt really matches up people equally.


                            Yes matches you get are very randomly based upon your behaviour score. Sometimes you need luck to get good teammates. I think the recent network update has resetted bs. Suddenly im getting good teamates and toxics on the other side.