General Discussion

General Discussionlp and 6 months ban cleared

lp and 6 months ban cleared in General Discussion

    ty gaben


      lp cleared before i even started.


        Dota plus is the key?

        Story Time

          smurfs are punished now?


            ur mom gay?


              If u buy dota plus. 6 months ban will be cleared?


                Yes my 5 fokin lp got lifted aswell. Was almost abt to quit playing then boom 5 straight wins and then divine. Christmas miracle indeed.

                Story Time

                  absolute true, 100% would try it


                    @Story Time
                    My friend was banned 6 months. It will be removed because of the update?

                    Story Time

                      of course! Trust me :D
                      PS Do not trust me, i have no dotaplus and do not intent to buy this crap


                        @Story Time
                        Bro my friend checked his dota 2 account but still 6 months ban bro.


                          it's totally true dota plus provides ban immunity provided by gaben himself it's even labled as gaben protection in the perks of dota plus :D

                          PS: it's a joke there is no confirmation of this


                            My BS went from F all the way up to normal thanks dota plus <3 now I really enjoy my games no flamers no blamers and the best part is I tried thier sven mid with the best build you could ever imagne.
                            Dota plus because fuck pros <3


                              oh yeaa had 3smurfs in lp,+1 6months,now all clear and ready to rock.TY


                                jebaited. don't buy. xD