General Discussion

General DiscussionIs pos 4 nyx bad in low mmr

Is pos 4 nyx bad in low mmr in General Discussion

    i cant win for shit with nyx pos 4.

    is he better in well-coordinated 5 stacks with higher avg mmr?

    btw since i came back to dota i literally cant win solo games, but rarely loose any games in teams, even if mmr is way to high for me

    how win game with 4 tards and fail smurfs picking slark thx


      i cant win with anything


        ure just playing it wrong why u get gurdian greaves on this hero even? or spirit vessel when there's no one to counter it's not his core items or eul when there's no disables to purge urself from!
        get meme hammer mana boots to lens aghanim's and maybe blink as main items
        level up ure 3d before second ability and only pick when there's a high intelligence or mana dependent hero in enemy team for u to counter exp: OD, INVOKER, MEDUSA

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Nyx is probably the most independent support so it doesn't matter what MMR you're in
          Doesn't need the Blink as much as ES or SK because he has Vendetta to initiate but can still make full use of it
          Got some survivability with his stuns
          High base HP regen to trade punches in lane
          He's not too good in fights I guess


            bruh thats turbo mode im
            buying items for the giggles

            and ofc its a good item
            to buy against a 5 core team with no sustain. sprit vessel is good against necro you know.
            obviously i wouldnt buy that in a normal match because id never have the money for it


              whats the point of meteor hammer?

              channel from invis?

              Potato Marshal

                The point is that you have 2 low cooldown stuns with durations longer than meteor hammer's channel time.


                  in low mmr just rush dagon 5
                  ez win

                  the deal is, you cant go the normal utility nyx in low mmr, as your job is to kill all the enemies by yourself.
                  so you play either carry nyx with a midas (high agi gain, so it works), or dagon/eblade

                  i guess memehammer - kaya - dagon - eblade is very good for that.

                  you need to alter your build for the match tho, like agianst low armor int heroes you can go (memehammer) kaya (it increase s the damage of your ultimate, which is then amped up even more; not to mention the mana burn which is a huge nuke on a 4s cooldown) into desolator (if you can get it before they get shivas) and easily destroy them.

                  and yes it works in legend rank, but blink euls starts having impact in this mmr already (thought you were a bit lower)


                    its good, get treads aquilla then drums/meme hammer

                    Lruce Bee

                      I think I've identified your problem. Which is, as you said, you can't win. Meaning the problem is not the hero. Rather, the player.


                        hes kinda right, you need to learn how to play nyx in general (not saying im perfect), it isnt easy to consistently win with this hero. and he is very versatile with items in lower mmr, so its largely based on the knowledge how to execute the hero


                          weeb dagon nyx better kys thx

                          i might be just bad with the hero.i will try with aquila and memehammer, if it feels bad im done with the hero


                            lol "kys"

                            you ask for low mmr advice, you get low mmr advice.

                            dagon 5 is plenty enough to shitstomp legends on nyx

                            Lruce Bee

                              i thought dagon nyx was the only way to play nyx


                                no its not. in 1k thats a good build.

                                in 3k thats an auto loose

                                Story Time

                                  is 3k different from 1k? xD

                                  Lruce Bee

                                    yo this fool talks like 3k is way better than 1k lmao. somebody check his mental illness hah


                                      I would stay to pick him only by good situation to keep him effective,like a OD and Invoker counter.Pos 3-5.If you outplaying your bracket you can carry games with echo,deso,crit build.


                                        Ck pos 4 is a thing now


                                          Hero feels underwhelming atm due to lack of teamfight, so I suggest you to just go for a better alternative of it which is Sand King.


                                            just camp enemy midlane with oov and windlace/stout like earthspirit and you're good


                                              Said the guardian 4 lol.

                                              Player 345996680

                                                if you think legends are "good enough" to auto-win against a dagon nyx, youve never been legend

                                                even in ancient, dagon wins games; but i imagine mostly against high armor carries like morph and tb.

                                                but if you hate dagon and wannabe pro, go for blink euls / memehammer. its unlikely that you can get any better winrate than with dagon tho unless youre playing with smurfing cores.


                                                  How is nyx not good in fights? He got 4 second cd nuke that burns mana, he got 3 second stun, and a blade mail that stuns