General Discussion

General Discussioncan anyone help me??? this is so unfair

can anyone help me??? this is so unfair in General Discussion

    hi every one ! i dont know what's wrong with my rank players. i play 90% sup roam and when i just one game saying i gonna go carry
    they offend me , they say they are better than me, they dont pick sup and leave me alone in 1v2 or 1v3 lane, they feed and etc.
    and in this rank(2-3k) they are so trash :D and i dont know why i am here!!!! i think my dotabuff quality is not too bad to waste my time with this trash core shit players! how can i pass through this people????? i can't carry my games because when i pick carry others pick too and they feed or terribly want to lh and etc so i cant raise my mmr !!!!

    any one had any idea ??

    (sorry, im so terrible in english)


        really??? :)))))))))
        im not a trash talker!!!
        the thing is i'm not talking in 80% of my matches, and this is so obviouse when i talking that's cause of someone trash talked to me or feeding on purpose!!!!
        and just check my quality!!! that's saying im even better than u! i just want some times play carry and some one support me that's all!
        and i doing this all time for others :/

        Machado98 #xatubaking

          I play in the same bracket and let's be honest: it sucks but it's not that bad. I have been playing support and offlane the most and whenever I want to play mid or carry I do (90% of time). It sucks, yea, but try to ask nicely, we have tons of communication issues due to language differences in South America but I still ask everytime, works well.

          And honestly if you are a good support just play support, massive advantage for your team since most 2ks can't support at all and with the bonus of being one of the most fun roles

          But I get you, this bracket can be super cancer, a few months ago I just couldn't play cores because my avrg GPM from last 20 matches were low, 2ks have no idea what a support does. This week some dude tried to kick me out of mid because I only had 6.2 points in "Farming" on that hexagon stat recorder from the last 20 matches, I still can't believe I had to read that, anyway, good luck

          Forget me not

            Go pick lc jungle then buy midas maybe.


              personally i play 90% of games as a support (sometimes roaming) ... very rarely offlane and almost never mid or carry. The reality is that it fits my play style better. I find hitting creeps for 20 min incredibly boring. I can time last hits pretty well i just find more enjoyment in harassing the opposition and/or making early plays (setting up kills, making rotations etc etc). And its true that there are a lot of idiots in this bracket though id assume there are plenty in all brackets... But if you really want to play a core id suggest mid as you tend to be more independent and rarely need a dedicated support. Also, unfortunately, you will have to pick relatively early in the draft (regardless if you want mid or safelane)... dont expect others to pass up the roles they want for you. I generally pick first as a support player but as stated i have no desire to play carry... in this bracket there are very few that actually want to play supports.


                I find hitting creeps for 20 min incredibly boring. I can time last hits pretty well i just find more enjoyment in harassing the opposition and/or making early plays (setting up kills, making rotations etc etc).

                Oh wow. That's the reason why I also pick supp. 20 mins. afk farming is so boring.

                During HoN days, I usually play midwars since it is a 15 mins action packed game.


                  dude that's not dotabuff quality that's data quality and has nothing to do with quality of your gameplay.
                  Also your teammates have no idea about what roles you played earlier and don't care. Just because you played support in previous games you think you have a right to go mid?

                  Leaving you in a 1v2 or a 1v3 lane? Why do you need some retard supports to leech XP from you?
                  Just Play with strong laner heroes and do your best in those lanes.

                  PS If you're good at supporting, just stick to it. Why change to carry?


                    i think my dotabuff quality is not too bad to waste my time with this trash core shit players!

                    Please, take a moment and think again


                      and in this rank(2-3k) they are so trash :D and i dont know why i am here!!!! i think my dotabuff quality is not too bad to waste my time with this trash core shit players!

                      my team holds me back


                        tnx for all answers! i dont know how to reply one by one in this forum :D ! but the problem is if u play alltime sup for this idiots ur avg gpm in the best will be 300-400 and when u want to play carry for fun (this is just a game !!!!) they say u have low gpm (lmao) and starting trash talking and feeding :/
                        ofcourse if this is about wining i'm better in sup because this trashs dont know shit about how to play game but come on its just a game!!! and i want to some times have fun with jugger :(


                          reply to : my team holds me back :D

                          i didn't say that and im not. but just tell what can i do when our mid is trash and feeding mid and after that starting feeding on purpose because no one helps him :D and he with his 40% winrate better than us :D.

                          Mode Idiot

                            Go pick carry and win the game by yourself. In 2k , u can solo win. Just carry, farm and push the tower. I suggest u to use juger, go furry 12 minutes, shadow blade in 16 min, travel in 18 minutes. If u have ulti, go solo kill the enemy. Farm lane and push the tower, if enemy come, u can travel others lane with skill 2 and push the others lane.


                              Dota insight 4What?


                                I mean you suggest to buy bf which is nice and then shadow blade and tp boots Xd you either farm/push or aim for pick offs. Your suggestion is a mix of both, a retarded one :-D

                                Mode Idiot

                                  Haha. I try it and i get what i want, i quit from 1.6k mmr and now i get 4.1k. I just tell about my experience. See my dotabuff and see my juger. If u think i retard, i dont care, i already 4k becouse thats way from 1.6k. Thx mate




                                      No I was trying to explain to you that bf is built when 1. You either try to outfarm the enemy core or 2. When you try to catch up with the enemy cores. There's no point in buying that if you want to have early fights or do pick offs, instead buy a yasha or s & y and a blink.

                                      Mode Idiot

                                        Maybe. But in 2k mmr, trust me, it works man. We talk about 2k, not 5k rank like u now. Ok?

                                        LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                          ^Tribo was correct, he didn't have to be rude though. I think blink/yasha would still be better than shadow blade since you would just want to split push the whole game in 2k mmr.

                                          I think it's pretty impressive that you recognize what you need to do as a carry at 1.6k mmr.
                                          Constantly pushing waves and getting solo kills when you have ulti. And an escape spin tp. You also know which hero does that the best, Jug. Basically your only problem that you have to work on is itemization.


                                            I thought GPM doesn't show in your profile except for your friends.


                                              you have to be better than anyone to get out of that bracket. you pick mid hero and you need to win in mid. easy to say but hard to do :). good luck

                                              Mode Idiot

                                                My mate, my item just situasional. Thats why i want him to see my juger game in dotabuff. I cant tell my item so detail in this comment. What i want to say is : pick carry, farm and push, play objective, and win the 2k brqcket soloist. Cmiiw


                                                  Play to have fun and not to get stressed. Youre not a pro come on why be stressed to much? Dont you have a life to spend?


                                                    Wth, dont base it on stats lol, i only have 5.8 on farming but i have 9.9 on pushing but people let me mid

                                                    45m gauntlets of str NPC

                                                      You have almost a 57% winrate in ranked, just need to play more games.

                                                      It's sad that Dota can be such a grind if you start near the bottom. But hey, if you were really that much better than your teammates, your win-rate would be like 80%. So still improvement on your end needed!