General Discussion

General DiscussionArmlet of Mordiggan 7.13

Armlet of Mordiggan 7.13 in General Discussion
Banskiie II

    With the buff of strength heroes, does this Armlet is a must buy item on most Strength cores?
    Good strength cores for Armlet: LC, Sven, Lycan, NS, etc.
    I think Strength initiators in general might benefit from Armlet: Clockwerk, Bara, Slardar

    what do you think?

    Banskiie II

      The cheapest way to get +25 strength which makes a huge difference during the early game.

      Lruce Bee

        i would think rushing heart is a better strategy nowadays. armlet has a very big disadvantage because you keep losing health. whats the point of having + str when u have less hp in the end?

        Saucy Edwin

          Well if you try to rush heart in anything above 2k you're just going to get shit on because you item has no value until you finish the whole thing. Plus heart actually gives very little damage, no armor, and no attack speed.

          Lruce Bee

            come on man heart is like the best item there is and severely underrated. 500 hp and 45 strength. that's a lot of damage! why do you need armour when it gives you more than 1500 hp and insane regen


              guardian 4 btw


                The change in stats doesn't make armlet game breaking enough for clock to buy it, let alone lycan or Sven or spirit breaker

                Dire Wolf

                  It doesn't change anything. If it was core before it's core now. If not it's not.

                  Only 1 hero I think it's absolutely core and that's CK. Others have alternative builds.
                  Lifestealer - traditional build is armlet into other right clicking stuff (s&y, deso possibly, ac, basher), but many people run radiance builds now which skips armlet.
                  DK - Not core, good item though.
                  Sven - Definitely not core with god's strength changes, but it's not a bad item.
                  LC - Hit or miss, some love it.
                  Lycan - ew
                  NS - uhh maybe carry ns, but people play that?
                  Alch - I like it on alch for hp but alch is bad in general

                  Banskiie II

                    What hero rushes heart? What benefit does it give early? I can't understand the point of it. Most Strength heroes hit hard and tank sh*t but lack attack speed and have mana issues. Building a heart first is just plain stupid along side rushing butterfly and daedalus early too.

                    Banskiie II

                      Rushing daedalus is kind of acceptable for kunkka but it's still stupid in some regard because there are way better mid-game items for him to utilize.


                        Dire Wolf only hero that has armlet core is HUSKAR,i have no idea how you didn't mention him


                          not a must buy but more viable than before


                            Armlet is only mandatory on huskar and ck ALRIGHT