General Discussion

General DiscussionLet me vent please, criticism welcome

Let me vent please, criticism welcome in General Discussion

    Hi all,

    Some days ago I played a Ranked match as Spectre in the really shit tier. 3 or 4 years ago when I was new at Dota I calibrated at 2.5k mmr. I started playing Ranked every match, not knowing how hard it would be to rise up again. Tried new heroes for the first time in ranked and all that shit. That dropped me to sub 1k mmr and I was never able to climb back up.

    I played a Spectre game (one of my strongest heroes) the other day. I ended 20-6, although we still lost. Our Crystal Maiden built a Sange and Yasha, Crimson Guard, stuff like that.

    After the game I received 4 reports.

    I really don't understand why, I was the guy with the most kills and the least deaths of the entire game, including the other team.

    Can someone more experienced help me find what I did wrong and why I was reported?


    no incoming chat

      52 mins in and u have 216 cs....that means u spent more then half ur time not getting map control of some sort. i cant stress this enough how important just 5 cs is but ur missing over 200 cs. u really need to understand that dota isnt about kills and about the map. pushing out waves knowing where the enemy is and how far u can push and split is very important in dota. and just seeing ur numbers u didnt do much of that second thing i cant stress enough is both u and bounty have urn be mindful of what ur team is building. you probably missed a lot of kills or potienial kills bye not having skadi or diffusal. also its ur job to win the late game as pos 1, which u didnt do, you probably got engima ulted or a combination of sf sk and pudge. no only is linkens very good that game but so is bkb which u didnt get in a 52 min game u did do dmg but u didnt have the items to fight there team....yes radaince is good but after yasha u should of made bkb, then finish manta then go for skadi or diffusal....only diffusal if ur not dieing. also if ur not doing well in the lane and cant sustain u can buy a ring of health and change it into a dominator later or even better this game hood.


        Thanks a lot Echo! Yeah, my cs was pretty low. I picked Spectre when my teammate picked Crystal Maiden safe lane. I thought he would support me. But 6 minutes in, he went to afk jungle farm and offlane. I was alone at the lane and they kept zoning me out.

        That's no excuse though and I know I could have done better. You are also right about the 2 urns.

        Thanks so much!

        Potato Marshal

          How would you even know you got 4 reports from that match?

          no incoming chat

            the point of safe lane now is to kill the enemy off lane or zone him out enough to where u get an advantage and in that advantage u dont buy greedy items....u get aquela and wand and upgraded boots so ur supports can leave and uget solo exp then u get ring of health and then go for greedy items if the game calls for it. here is a youtube channel that will give u what u need to succede


              In my overal conduct before that match I had 2 reports in the last 20 games. After that match I had 6. Plus they kept saying in all chat: ez Spectre, report please.

              Thx for the meta tip I will definitely check that channel out.

              Even though I suck I’m a huge dota nerd that loves the game. I’ll watch that video on the train after work!

              no incoming chat

                and last point is...keep up with whats good in the pro scene spec isnt a good hero at all right now


                  I dunno if this is an active thread still but I'm down to watch your replay.


                    I would be really grateful if you watched my replay and give me some insights.

                    I Would have to think of a way to repay you though.

                    Do you need another link to watch the replay?

                    no incoming chat

                      @zodiac seriously though go watch those guides on youtube and re watch ur game. you will notice atleast 10 things that 2ks do in the first 10 minuets thats wrong.


                        I’m watching the video you linked right now :)


                          Aight so I watched your replay and these are some problems that I found. I only watched the laning phase up until you got the haunt kill bot because if you improve the laning phase then the rest of the game becomes way easier.
                          1. You go stick first item. Unless you're going against bristle, bat etc. then stick is not good to get as a starting item. A salve or extra tangoes + branches is way more efficient.

                          2. You get first blood when you see them go for rune bot at 0 minute. However, you tp back to base because you are low health because you bought stick. If you had a salve here, you could stay in lane and get cs. Because you go back you lose 7 cs and the enemy offlaners are lvl 2 by the time you get back. This 1 move is the reason why you lost the game imo because you gave the offlaners a level and cs advantage which they then used to kill the cm over and over.

                          3. You rush urn. By doing this you gamble that you can get kills and thus make urn an efficient item. The problem is that the enemy offlaners are so far ahead because you had to back to base after getting first blood that getting kills is unlikely. Buying more regen, boots, and eventually ring of health are of higher priority than urn at this point.

                          4. You do not use the aggro trick to secure cs. As a melee carry vs sk you have to utilize the aggro trick to secure cs. Just youtube how to do it to understand, but basically you aggro the creeps to disrupt equilibrium so the enemy melee creeps attack your ranged creep.

                          5. At 8 minutes you haunt and kill the offlane. This is a good move because at this point you need to get some momentum going in your favor. However after you get the kill you get the bounty rune and start running mid. You are full health and you have a tp off cd. You should have gone back to top lane and gotten more cs. Btw you have 12 cs at 8 minutes which is unacceptable as a carry.

                          Basically you have to work on your fundamentals ie rotating properly, csing, proper item build etc.

                          If your having problems with your team, just mute them all at the start and focus on playing your role properly.


                            Wow thanks a lot. I’m serious.

                            It really hurts me to ask this cause I love Spectre, but would you recommend another carry for my bracket?

                            Something like Anti-Mage, or phantom assassin, phantom lancer?

                            I’m asking cause i off with weaver and support with lion.


                              Offlane weaver is pretty bad right now. Jugg is a pretty safe bet to go with

                              Johnny Travaka prime

                                Tribo succ -100 m m r


                                  gyro wins games if you practice csing.


                                    what is tribo?


                                      if you have a discord I can add you in an hour or so


                                        I dont but I will get it soon cause a friend of mine uses it a lot




                                            Just to give you an idea: if safe lane is done properly and you have free farm as the carry, I would expect you to have boots Bfury by 12 minutes. Manta by 20. Obviously depends on what carry you're playing but gives you an idea. In the last meta, a carry should be able to walk out at 25 minutes and slaughter most people.

                                            It's been mentioned before but kills don't win the game. Objectives and CS do. A kill nets about...200-250gold during laning? Unless you can kill an enemy + get back to your lane + it costs a tp, in the space of time it takes to kill 4 creeps, it's not worth it and you're better off farming.

                                            Another good method to up your cs is once you're strong enough to sustain, autoatk the creeps so you get all that gold quickly and then when the lane is pushed to the enemy tower, use that time to farm a neutral camp. The enemy tower will automatically psuh the momentum of the lane back towards you. Rinse and repeat.


                                              i remember cuki guides, shame it is removed, it was good.