General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do u carry a game where your carry is braindead

How do u carry a game where your carry is braindead in General Discussion
Vermillon Qliphoth

    as title says how do you comeback from a useless carry who cant farm builds trash items and refuses to communicate you usally can spot this from the start of the game so how do u proceeded from there ?


      Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient??


        Lane pressure


          snowball obviously


            Looks like you are improving; but if that is just by spamming Zues, it doesnt show much.

            perhaps work on your rotations; carries have a hard time, when you dont rotate.
            if your yelling at them, it will decrease their performance.

            if you need to communicate, perhaps use chat wheel.
            things like >relax you're doing fine
            >my bad

            things like that, they communicate, and stop you from being negative.
            it will assist your team, even if you dont think so!

            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

              You must be fun to play with :/


                Have you tried just carrying them yourself?


                  you spam zeus, did you often kill steal? do you deward those with your skill? try to rotate offlane/safelane.

                  provide vision with your ultimate when something goes wrong on that mini map. dont lose hope when your carry is having difficulties at early stage. mid lane controls the mid game team fight not your carry. your magical damage is treat to every one else even enemy core.

                  try to be polite and just have fun. relax you’re doing fine :)


                    growing up works


                      just Relax mann... dont be stressed like oldman who lose they dick cause impotent..
                      if you a second carry or midlaner in your team.. just make that games longer as you can.. and use that time too farm and gain best item.. tell your team to dont feed them too much.. Just Relax..
                      like dori said..
                      just keep swimming..
                      just keep swimming..
                      thats my opinion (srry for bad english)


                        assuming you aren't in the situation where you automatically lose late-game then if your carry fails it is almost always because the rest of the team haven't done their job in the early/mid game.

                        e.g. in the case of AM, late battlefury is usually because supports haven't secured the lane for AM. late manta is because mid hasn't created space mid game.

                        if the game is thrown, it is probably the carry's fault but, mostly, if a carry is underfarmed it is because the rest of the team failed to do their jobs.

                        Lruce Bee

                          You obviously carry the game yourself. You fucking tool.