General Discussion

General DiscussionMeta trends

Meta trends in General Discussion
Banskiie II

    ODs winrate dropped by 10 which is insane.

    TB went from being top tier to niche pick

    Tiny is officially dead.

    First time in dota 2 history that Omni's winrate dropped below 50%.

    The resurgence of Ember and WR as cores.

    The return of Axe, Undying and Darkseers as effective utility-based offlaners.

    Warlock, IO and SD return to top-tier status. Imo, warlock and io will be 1st priority heroes in competitive meta

    Ursa might be viable(?) but he's still kitable which means meh

    I'll give my 2 cents for this meta. Games will be longer which mean late game heroes can shine again. Dual offlane will be seen more which mean heroes like Doom, Batrider and other utility offlaners are very good since they can abuse safelaners more. Still auto ban riki and techies. Those heroes should not exist.

    Banskiie II

      This "minor" patch seemed to be more impactful than most expected it to be

      Bad Intentions

        Dat new lvl 4 battlehunger is just insane.


          What about spectre possible new meta?

          Potato Marshal

            What new lvl 4 battle hunger? Its just old lvl 4 battle hunger with a 5 mana cost increase.

            One Fourth of a Concubine

              Techies is in a fine spot tbh. Just carry a decent amount of detection and make sure he doesnt get aghs by the time you hit hg.

              As for the rest of this Undying offlane? Maybe as a pos4 but I don't think he's gonna be the core in the lane.
              Also yes rip omni I will miss him dearly.


                What spectre meta?



                  Haunt illusion damage now scales (100% damage with talent).


                    IO ultra trash

                    spectre still trash, spectre isnt unpicked because she lacks damage, but because her laning is so extremely weak.

                    Story Time

                      ma boi silencer is getting stronker, das ist gut