General Discussion

General Discussion*YOUR* hero

*YOUR* hero in General Discussion

    Share The hero that no matter the meta, you always give a glance and are confident you can win with him. He doesn’t have to be your BEST hero.You like this hero because you identify with it and you thoroughly enjoy using him. Something about his playstyle just identifies with your personality. You look into every parch with a grin as he recieves a buff and are filled with joy when he gets picked professionally. He is YOUR hero, your spirit animal.

    For me I’d say Abaddon. The first hero I ever learned. With the will to face trilanes and walk into battle with giant balls using whatever life throws at him and using it to make him stronger and come out on top.


      Centaur Warrunner. I just fell in love with this hero the joy of blink -> stun -> double edge and just instantly kill that stupid glass cannon so they don't get farm early game and just snowball to winning. Also, with heart you can stand under 3towers in enemy base and destroyed it in like 30secs with your passive this is honestly the best pusher.







            fast/mobile hero - good initiator
            can stand his ground and put up a fight
            awesome lockdown

            When i started dota i just hated the Rikkis, Clinks, AMs and Embers the most. Sometimes your team could never catch em (what is detection ?^^). You duel them and that fucker cant get away. Every problem in dota can be solved by an LC with blink and blademail.

            In just like mobile tanks that get in first in every game.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Sky, annoying and a chicken.
              Throwing damage from a safe distance was so fun for me.
              I'm starting to doubt the hero though. Enemy gets BKB or Pipe and I can't do shit.
              But yeah, I can make him work somehow.


                Warlock, bkb piercing ult. Huge utility with his spells just the G.O.A.T. this last patch has finally made him relevant again.

                Story Time

                  i would rather remain silent on the topic


                    Tbh every one should give meepo a try the hero is so fun to play everytime I last pick meepo against no counters / annoying heroes I get goosebumps


                      wat is goat?


                        Definitely earth spirit, since he was the first battle cup stomper hero i have played. Good ulti, good setup with rolling boulder + kick or rolling boulder +silence and stun and with blink dagger, u win every team fight as long as u position well and hit multiple heroes with ur combos.

                        Chen too, good early game presence, never lost a battlecup or local tournament as him, provides lots of utility too, can take early rosh and end the game quick enough, not to mention his holy persuasion is like a mini relocate that can save an ally from being out of position or getting focused



                          Hide The Pain - Herald


                            I Cut Things


                              Alchemy is the future


                                Leshrac. I was dumpstering 2ks before he was far from viable.

                                And like me he also hates everyone and everything.


                                  @SPRKMKD makedonec ? Crusader LUL

                                    no tilt

                                      Templar Assassin <3

                                      < blank >

                                        i would rather remain silent on the topic

                                        Well Played


                                          The obvious choice xd

                                          Mikha Lim~

                                            Tinker is probably one of the most independent heroes in the game. His insane farming, split push, burst and global presence is paralleled to nothing. You can even rat and buy wards on your own if needed. His weakness is probably being focused. Heroes like Zeus, Storm and Spectre can kill him late game but items like BKB and Ghost Sceptre might be a good option for these counters. I love him despite being so squishy. SF might be 2nd but he has more weaknesses than strengths. He's weaker in terms of laning but both are good enough to comeback through jungling.


                                              Slark for me

                                              ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                                Best early pick core. I can play him in any lane. It counters most melee carries and he's a natural lane dominator. Also he can be a tempo or utility core given his ability to fight early on. With scepter you can burst towers, although I don't usually build it.


                                                  Goat = greatest of all time.

                                                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺


                                                    Idk, i started to love him months ago. To me he is so enjoyable, especially when 3 or 4 enemy heroes try to hunt me down, thus creating a lot of space for my team. Also due to his op ulti i've managed to make a LOT of comebacks even from unwinnable games, that's why i love him so much. Scouting and baiting is so funny, and making enemy supps to spend thousands on detection is even more satisfying.

                                                    I know valve is going to nerf him in the next patch(7.16) ... he is the last viable 4th position, besides sand king ofc... rip.

                                                    Tu tayta

                                                      It used to be Weaver, but Dark Willow is my new waifu, I don't care about the nerfs.


                                                        Void. Faceless void, darkterror!!

                                                        PSE.NSA, CHAT = YOU LOSE ...

                                                          URSA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                            Luna. Even if our team basically lost early game I could confidently say I can turn things around 8/10 with her.


                                                              Agree with Optic 33, easily the hardest hero to counter.


                                                                Mirana. Can be any role, can go for any item progression depending on the situation. Has a nuke, has a stun, has escape mechanisms, and likes to run around. And most importantly, I like cat girls.




                                                                    Ember spirit


                                                                      Invoker, every patchnote i just CTRL+F and search for changes

                                                                      Rogue Knight

                                                                        "May my enemies share the fate of the shattered helm!"


                                                                          I used to pick phoenix every single one of my games, but now i only pick him if it is advantageous.

                                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                                            ember shpirit

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              dazzle, skywrath mage, lifestealer

                                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                                ur mom

                                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                                  Sven and undying.

                                                                                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                    Every game is a techies game.


                                                                                      Spirit breaker: the hero that punishes people for playing sniper


                                                                                        Sven: high risk high reward hero, One jump can be either winning or throwing
                                                                                        Currently he's suck though


                                                                                          ember spirit: always calm, but explosive in teamfights. super mobile and hard to catch. just love the hero for his attitude and playstyle


                                                                                            Kunkka. In my shit trench bracket for scrubs it's just too much fun with him.

                                                                                            Optimus Drip



                                                                                                Axe and TA.


                                                                                                  My Tree


                                                                                                    Wraith King for the win. Probably, the best hero in dota. Deal with it.




                                                                                                        it ended up being kunkka somehow