General Discussion

General DiscussionIs doom kind of good now?

Is doom kind of good now? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Went up vs a doom + troll offlane (wtf I knorite) as silencer supporting slark. As soon as doom ate the big satyr they each had +10 regen, basically permanent tango effect. We couldn't harass them/trade at all (troll was constant ranged form, doom stout shield) and they'd just walk up and push us out of lane or threaten kills.

    What do you guys think? I hadn't realized the new changes to hp regen formula were this good. It could make doom a sneaky good laner.


      legend gaming, doom is always quite good, but duo lane no. What is strong about doom is he is very good against melee core because of the infernal blade, and once he reach lvl 6 he can pretty much solo kill the carry even with no farm and under lvl.


        Dual lane- Bad It slows dooms mid game down considerably.


          hes fine if you have a good pos1. with underfarmed carry who builds bad items you are done. he can't carry games solo like before. pretty decent offlane tbh.


            He isn't bad just has low armor so he isn't always strong

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              dont pick slark + silencer in the same lane


                It's not that doom is good, but slark is bad.


                  Slark is kinda good rn lol, he got sustain in lane pre-level 6 with the buff to his base regeneration. Btw navi just won 2/2 games wherein they picked slark against vp

                  the better spidey

                    I swear in the past 2 months, in my games, the team with a Doom never lost. Doom's a MONSTER roamer, too. Infernal Blade + Spirit Vessel hurts like a mother. He also eats OD for breakfast.

                    Dire Wolf

                      "dont pick slark + silencer in the same lane"

                      It was a random draft and slark guy had sven shadowed the whole draft time then switched to slark at the last minute cus he didn't want to play sven into troll. That makes zero sense to me but whatever. I picked silencer thinking it would be a solo offlaner and either jungle doom or troll. I don't remember the other support options but probably wouldn't have mattered.

                      the better spidey

                        Slark + Silencer doesn't sound like the WORST lane combination to me. Doom is just that survivable. You'll need 3 heroes to bring him down.


                          does r still have 2.5 min cd?


                            remove the respawn shit from necro and putit on doom duh

                            <- satan i guess