General Discussion

General DiscussionTeach me senpai.

Teach me senpai. in General Discussion
lowprio gaming

    what should I have done in such games where I feel my team is being choked on farm by the enemy? what signs should i look for to split push a lane and what lane to push? Thanks for responses.


      you have two cores that has battlefury, and a tinker - skipping battlefury and going straight S&Y into shadowblade and kill the enemy cores would be 100x better.

      2battle fury cores + a tinker does not work

      lowprio gaming

        yeah that was a concern i had too. thanks bitcoin for confirming

        Story Time

          going butterfly on a squishy hero in a game where 3 enemy heros will go mkb for sure, is like saying that you are autistic :D i bet sven or weaver have one-shotted you

          lowprio gaming

            they didnt one shot me ofcourse but yeah idk i need to think more thoroughly bout my choices haha thanks for the heads up


              I'll look at replay when i get home

              lowprio gaming

                okay :)


                  Manta diffusal instead of battlefury, then u can go bkb

                  lowprio gaming

                    sometimes i become brain dead and just make items automatically xD deym my 1k gaming kicking in always


                      Stop playing jugg and gfc u b.a.n

                      lowprio gaming

                        whats gfc?


                          ^u don't wanna know that the second one is an actual word through u can ask for that but u still wouldn't want to know really

                          lowprio gaming

                            im not a butthurt little child its alright. but okay imma sleep goodluck


                              well, from the very foundation, u have picked a carry into this lineup and went to offlane with another core. from the very start this is just so bad that so much stuff gets fucked over this. never do this again. but moving on, your strategy should be leaving this lane and starting to jungle as soon as possible

                              so cuz of that, starting items should be regen + stoud shield. no mangos and no wand. u get ur quelling blade, and aquila and a clarity and leave the lane. u go take the runes while axe takes one of the waves.

                              ur skill build should be q > w > q > e > q > r > q > w max > e max not what u did

                              so ur whole early game should be afk jungling and taking runes, not engaging in any fights unless u know it's free kills if u do (i.e. axe call into ur q and ult)
                              u want to be hitting creeps all the time. just watch ur replay and see how much time u'r walking in circles and how much cs u have. if u go jungle, both u and axe will get farm, even tho the game becomes 4v5, in low bracket it wouldnt get that much punished most of the time.

                              battlefury is an absolute mistake but im sure u would know that if u thought about the game scenario. so what im gonna do is not harp on ur item choice itself, but on ur thought process. so listen carefully:

                              AT THE START OF EVERY SINGLE GAME, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN ON WHAT YOU WANT TO DO TO WIN. if you dont ( which like 90%+ of players dont), you're gonna be walking around like a headless chicken, taking the most obvious thing there is next to u. if there's a fight u attend, if there's farm u go there, if there's a lane next to u u just walk there. u just build battlefury cuz u see everyone on high bracket build it. this is caused by ur lack of consciousness in the game. the reason everyone builds bf on high mmr, is they have 1 pos1 and 1 pos2 and so on. the farm priority exists. shit like 4 core lineups almost never happen there. so u gotta adjust based on ur own game. when u have 4 cores, u dont have the luxury to farm a lot. ur options will become waaaaaaaaaaaay limited, but u want to open up options for urself. in that regard, ur build should have a purpose: to make me strong enough early game to kill enemies when i have ult and make me strong when i get that item instantly, not give me a farming powerspike.

                              the build i'd suggest here would be :
                              shield + qb > aquila > phase boots > yasha > shadow blade > linken's > butterfly > bkb > abyssal

                              the purpose of each item after phase boot is:

                              yasha : speeds up both ur farm and ms by a real good amount, but it's not a 4k+ gold item that gives u a farm only powerspike. it's cost efficient and it helps chasing people

                              shadow blade : more free movement on the map, allows u to do pickups when u have ur ult, a form of escape, and can gain info by scouting

                              linken's : cuz manta and silver edge dont provide anything new to jug in this game. no dispellable things but invo's cold snap. altho u can dodge sven's stun and disruptor glimpse, doesnt linken do that way safer? this item will allow u to take more risky farm. the farm that accomplishes objectives. aka the farm in enemy side. the combination of linken's and ur q and a tp makes u able to survive all their stuff unless disruptor ults u and u get trapped in it such that u cant q and tp. this means u can pressure the enemy, make them respond to u, then just back off and farm the area around the same place (enemy safelane jungle and lane, if not possible, ur offlane until enemy leaves their safelane or u have ult and can kill freely).

                              so this shadow blade + linkens makes u do very aggressive plays and get away with it.

                              then butterfly cuz the item priority is :
                              2)make ur hero stronger
                              3)counter enemy

                              so u got the survivability part covered by sb and linkens. now u get butterfly to make urself strong. now u'r really stronger, but still, u cant fight. to be able to fight, u need that bkb. so u get the bkb.
                              last item is abyssal and its purpose is to do the #3. counter enemy.

                              the game woulda played waaaaaaay more differently if u went this path. but since u didnt, the rest of the game is absolutely smth else, and irrelevant to the point. now if next time this happens:

                              First of all u dont get another core.

                              Secondly, if u picked ur core and ur teammates also all picked cores and this happened, u do the leave lane and go jungle thing.

                              Thirdly, u dont invest a lot of gold on a farming powerspike item like bf or radiance. u go for fight items (idc if u'r alchemist or jug. do it. if u picked am, u fucked up). in the priority i mentioned: survivability > hero strength > countering enemy


                                As I'm watching i see mistakes like walkijg all the way back to base when u have battlefury passive regen, not playing on the right side of map, and etc etc.
                                But all of em are caused by not objective gameplay. U're playing skyrim and not dota, like most people. Objective play is when u buy a farm item, u farm. When u buy fight items u fight. When u are in a situation where u cant have much farm, u dont invest on farm boosting items. You should know where ur next objective is and ONLY play around there. All those very unstrategic fights u took, that resulted in like 2 kills or whatever, that coulda been u taking enemy top tier 2, or making some of em tp there then spin tp bot where the rest were and either take an advantageous fight or take their tower. Or if they walked aaaal the way back there to def, u coulda just walked back and farmed ur way back to enemy safelane to do the same thing. Forcing them to come and farming or them being busy fighting and u taking tower or u making some tp then join and kill. In all those scenarios u were the winner. But cuz u dony think objectively and strategically, this happens. Start trying to think like that and you'll win way more games. To start developing your strategic thinking, watch bsj coaching sessions, analyse pro players and specifically WHY they make their moves. It'll help u develop this purposeful thinking instead of autopiloting


                                  How do u lose against sven mana boots, my brother?