General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do in this scenario

What to do in this scenario in General Discussion

    Legend bracket, mid role,offlane and safelane core positions are taken. What do I do now? Dont tell me to play support because im not supporting a 3200 mmr ancient 5


      It happens all the time, we cant do anything but just adjust for the team.

      Saucy Edwin

        Play support, because if you think that people in 3.2k are all bad at core, then they're not the problem my friend.


          id rather learn support and play it decent the playing core and having a core spammer as supp messing up my lane or having a jungler


            XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD nice mentality


              U either adjust and play ur best or u get urself frustrated, play bad and lose
              I know im a better core than all these 4ks but i play supp whenever i have to.

              Fix ur mentality nothing else to do


                Say "core or alpha"


                    How do you solve 2+2? Don't tell me it's 4, I am way beyond that level of math.



                      Regardless of MMR, I would play support in situations such as this because it simply gives the best chance of winning. Maybe I'm saying this because I'm currently used to such a frequent scenario in Normal Skill bracket right now.

                      I view their profile and judge their Most Recent 20 Games graph and average stats. This gives me the idea of who to babysit in the lane if need be.

                      I would support in Normal Skill bracket(this 2.5k main account) just as much as I would in Very High Skill bracket(>6k, newer accounts).

                      PS: If you're wondering why I have this 2.5k main, this is my first account which I've played the most. I retire from Dota for months and use this as warm up. (nobody wants to play in SEA normal bracket, but you don't wanna be shitty in new, uncalibrated accounts that ends up in the Very High Skill bracket)

                      Conclusion: Good Line-up > Pride


                        Okay, me look at things different now. Me support tim.


                          Basically i'd support in 1l bracket if they dont get convinced, but i'd play greedy. I'll support them and let them take the cs early on, but from mid to late game when the cores start running around like headless chickens, i change my role to "the core that lets other cores take the farm if they're there". Then I'll farm objectively and not afk jungle, i'll shove lanes, ward shrines, split enemy, take their tower when i see them making a map movement mistake. I get my items, put the wards where I MYSELF need so i can push safely, and i'll win the game myself. Worst case i lose while having tried my best and having good impact, which in that case im happy with myself. Not to mention that is a very rare scenario.

                          Same goes for 3ks


                            Btw that's why i only pick shaman for supp. If i cant i get ogre just cuz u can buff everyone while also being able to shove waves but not as good as shaman tho


                              Roll dice for lane.


                                play roaming sven and dumpster everyone



                                  Say GG pick jungler and sock ure heroe's ****[weapon] till u lose then blame carry and mid
