General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero should i spam in my bracket... (Hard to counter in my brack...

What hero should i spam in my bracket... (Hard to counter in my bracket off course) in General Discussion

    Title ^^ ty for your suggestion.

    verified vexillophile

      Anything you are good at. It won't make you a better player but it will raise your mmr.

        Ya, i love to spam invo, but in my bracket it is a little bit hard to get some supp if ive been ganked at mid. So i cant go online fast if i got my scepter above 20min...


          Juggernaut or Lina work well if you good at playing them. Just focus on farm and take towers, people in your bracket having a hard time against split push in my experience


            I meant Luna sry


              Checks dotabuff

              Picks 60% wr hero in all brackets


              Checks dotabuff again

              wr on that hero drops 10%



                Visage, arc, meepo. Legends cant deal with these heroes(even ancients)


                  @ROAD TO 6K, thanks senpai :)


                    As a visage spammer I can confirm ancients have no clue how to deal with him. Also. I have no clue how to deal with good arc warden to also confirm. Meepo is a toss up.


                      yeah. i would love to learn how to use visage like pro player, he is unstoppable... but for sure lich is a good counter for visage rite? but can u tell me what hero that actually hard for visage to against with at mid especially at the early game? any senpai?


                        Dude that excuse u brought up about ur invoker games, that thing, already tells me spamming what heroes isnt ur problem. Ur mentality is. "My team doesnt ward so i lose" is victim mindset. Before ur self serving bias starts to kick in and say noo u dont understand, go learn as much as u can about victim mindset.

                        U need wards? Buy em. "Nooo always out of stuck supps waste em"
                        Out of stuck? Play on an area u know enemy isnt at.
                        How? Get good at reading the map and predicting map movements
                        How? By analysing a shit ton of games.

                        As for heroes to play (the issue above matters more, i say it again)

                        Meepo (properly played)
                        I would say arc but he's more vulnerable in early game than he should be


                          any of the infamous micro heroes(Meepo Visage Brood). Even Chen and Ench. People can't deal with them
                          Special shoutout to Brewmaster btw, you only need to micro during his ult, but that makes or breaks most games. Bonus,tilting the enemy carry early by having him at 9CS at 5 mins from W


                            U can learn how to micro first before trying to first pick visage, i separate the two birds into 2 separate groups when against shaker, ww, or lich. So they cant use their ult effectively


                              Flexible heroes

                              Machado98 #xatubaking

                                Meepo is good but I don't recomend if you want to spam him, honestly. People try to counter meepo way too hard since everyone knows how to do it. Result: you have to practice and play way harder to overcome this tryhard countering bs, you can't just jump into ranked without proper practice

                                Playing meta heroes might be better, or Visage, I don't see anyone playing him in our bracket but forums just go crazy about how visage is amazing right now (I know I'm lower than you but I only play in your bracket because of friends)