General Discussion

General DiscussionI am the type of player that likes to avoid many teamfinght only to s...

I am the type of player that likes to avoid many teamfinght only to steal enemy towers in General Discussion

    Change my mind


      No need. You’ve got the right idea.


        its okay but depends on the situation, if you can join the team and win the team fight then push as 5,no reason for you not to join the fight


          Towers and buildings are what wins you the game. Now, as pushing has been dumpstered hard, you probably should consider getting into the team fight again. You are probably losing more than you are gaining if you switch 4 heroes from your team for a single tower.

          But you should always keep in mind, "can I flip the fight?". And if the question is yes, right now, you need to be there. If you are just going to die too, then go for the tower.

          Leafclubb🍃 ♫

            It's your call. Try not to limit yourself to only 1 playstyle tho if you're still exploring how you play. Uhhh... just gid gud.

            Happy pea

              The game is still about destroying towers I'd rather have people going hard for towers than people that fights all the time and then go jungle instead of pushing.

              < blank >

                To the point... Players can respawn but towers don't...


                  Thx fella. I picked troll and promoted from giardian 4 to guardian 5

                  Anonymous mode- No chat

                    wolves need no armour


                      If youre at the tower or your wave is right next to it yes. Otherwise they gonna teleport before you can take it and your team is all dead now.


                        Depends on the hero and his power spikes.

                        Saucy Edwin

                          Op is Guardian

                          Makes sense



                            flourishing new leaf

                              You're sh1it at it and you're sh1it at dota in general


                                choosing to take a tower instead of joining a fight is a mistake I think. If you can't get to a fight then yeah push. Lost team fight + lost tower + take tower is better than lost team fight + lost tower and no take tower....

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  That can't work the higher you go up.

                                  Story Time

                                    did you say void?