General Discussion

General DiscussionNext level trolling

Next level trolling in General Discussion
low prio master

    Man,i was playing ranked game,my teammate pick sniper mark mid and shitfest start,another guy start swear this sniper feed his last game so hes not going to let him mid.
    Sniper call hes a toxic fuck and go jungle.
    Man,26 min mark and sniper finished his fucking naked rapier,i start laughing as fuck idn why im so retarded but it was so funny at that moment (thought we lost for sure).
    We had so much fun with this sniper,usually i hate snipers even in my team couse all they know to get is a fucking shadow blade.
    This was fun he made one more rapier and with my par excellence babysit we made to +25.
    Thanks Sniper for nice time.


      What sort of damage items should one go on wisp? Sorry I don't really like your girly build

      Leafclubb🍃 ♫

        WP. Supports did waay more than the cores.

        Would u thank sniper if he dropped rapiers against a gyro tho.

        low prio master

          I literally getting no dmg item,deso in rare case for rat.
          Io only hero who can make satanic utility item.
          Pure carry io players still go armlet.


            Did Sniper not hit towers even once? :thinking:

            low prio master

              He literally didn't cross river

              Story Time

                this is what i proudly cal DOTA2!! THIS IS DOTA!


                  man, this dude's io is savage

                  One Fourth of a Concubine

                    Solid game dude. Glad you won!


                      Had the similar situation last week when i had a mid invoker who went 0-4 under 5 mins to SF then go jungle until the game ends, not even finish his aghs when the ancient destroyed. So obvious this guy have no idea what hes doing (acc buyer) so i report him only for being matched again with him in the next game, he went mid again with SF and same story, jungling after losing the lane. Easiest -50 of my life.


                        Oh forgot the buying rapier part, he bought it in the both games only for losing them seconds after buying

                        flourishing new leaf

                          Still haven't read wisp patches.

                          low prio master

                            No he had no idea how strong wisp + sniper in late are.